Ram@prl.res.(s.ramachandran) published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Superspace. McGill University, 2013. Tirtho. . B...
Dieter Jaksch. Outline. Lecture 1: Introduction. ...
at BABAR. Richard . Kass. Ohio State University. ...
Harmonic Generation . by . Fano. Resonances. Muh...
Prolactin (PRL) is a single . chain 198 amino aci...
Prolactin (PRL) is a protein that performs a doubl...
vice versa. Tom. as. . Jungwirth. . University...
1.875. Ba. 0.125. CuO. 4. Z. Guguchia. ,. 1. R. ...
“Vector-Meson Production by Polarized Photons a...
spin . singlet and triplet states in a coupled qu...
X. , . Y. , . Z. , and . P. c. . Charmoniumlike....
7. Li - open answers to open questions, . or ever...
2012. Cavity-coupled strongly correlated nanodevi...
Naomichi. . Hatano. University of Tokyo. Collabo...
Progress toward measuring. the mass of the neutr...
Collection of two-state quantum systems (. qubits...
Xiaoquan Yu. Advisor: Markus Mueller. 2,12,2012....
. physics. with. ultracold . fermions. Selim . ...
tokamak. plasmas. Michael Barnes. University of ...
. Yukio Tanaka (Nagoya University). http://...
pion. -exchange effects . on DIS...
Hugo Pereira Da Costa, CEA Saclay. Quark Matter 2...
vice versa. Tom. as. . Jungwirth. . University...
Momenta. , Geometric Phases,. and Spin-Orbit Inte...
of weakly bound and unbound nuclei. Takashi Nakam...
Universality . vs.. Specificity. Rony. . Granek...
Quantum Fluids and Solids . 3He. Brief introducti...
in light ions. Vladimir A. . Yerokhin. Peter . th...
ab. -initio theory of correlated materials . The...
in . the. B . system. at . LHCb. . Juan J. . ...
Marios. H. Michael. Matti. . Silveri. R. T. Bri...
Matthieu Wyart. Institute for theoretical physics...
Cheng. LaserLaB. , Department of Physics and Ast...
Many-body methods for . the description of . boun...
Our primary relationship is with producers and it...
. QCD Knowns: . Deep Inelastic Scattering and He...
New Horizons in Condensed Matter Physics. Aspen C...
. Weakly Bounds Systems in Atomic and Nuclear Ph...
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