Quark Quarks published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Yuri . Kovchegov. The Ohio State University. based...
Huang (BNL. ). Differentiative. analyzing . power...
Jet suppression . Heavy flavor . Future . Non-zero...
10 October 2014. NuPECC. Meeting, Edinburgh. 1. N...
“versus” AdS/CFT. Perils, Pitfalls, Progress, ...
-like . states. Alex . Bondar. BINP, . Novosibirsk...
Max Klein. Bits of History. The Case for the . LHe...
First physics from the LHC. Monica Pepe Altarelli....
Michele Faucci Giannelli. On behalf of the ATLAS c...
E.C. Aschenauer. The Quest for the spin of the pro...
Presenter: . Skhathisomusa. . Mthembu. Supervisor...
. Higgs boson production in association with top q...
Chen . Chen. University of Giessen. Diquark. Corr...
Ihr mogt Quantenphysik, Kosmologie und den Humor d...
J.Feltesse DAPNIA-SPP, CE-Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yve...
Quarkonia. States. Palak. D. Bhatt. Sardar. Pat...
Shuai Liu, Ralf Rapp. Cyclotron Institute + Depar...
around Flux Tube. in SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory. Masa...
Standard Model. Reconciles quantum mechanics with ...
: A . Large Ion Collider Experiment. Despina Hatzi...
Four forces in nature. Gravity. Electromagnetic. W...
. Andy . Krause. In collaboration with: Dr. Albe...
The recorded tracks of sub atomic particles result...
Hsiang-nan Li. Oct. 21, 2012. 1. Outlines . Jet in...
of. . J-PARC. K. Ozawa (KEK). Contents. Status of...
. Craig Roberts. Ya. LU (Nanjing U.). Zhao-Qian Y...
. Craig Roberts. Emergent Phenomena in the Standar...
Craig Roberts. … . http://inp.nju.edu.cn/. Emer...
Craig Roberts, Physics Division. . Collaborators:...
. Craig Roberts. Collaborators: 2014-Present. Jing...
30. th International Conference on Ultra-relativis...
with strings attached. . Hong Liu. Massachusetts ...
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