Quark Quarks published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Higgs Dark Matter and Its Implications at the LHC...
. Finnish. . everyday. food. "EU . LLP Comeniu...
Youngman Kim(KIAS). Hyun-. Chul. Kim and YK, . J...
The Standard Model. Chapter 14. Elementary Partic...
in N=4 Super Yang Mills. Juan Maldacena . Based o...
& Excited-State Hadrons. Craig . D. Roberts. ...
Chromodynamics. :. The Origin of Mass as We Know ...
from Continuum-QCD. Craig . D. Roberts. Physics D...
Chapter 38. Reminders. Complete last Mallard. -ba...
Asymmetry at ATLAS. . The search for new physi...
Lee. . . . . Quark . condensat...
dynamics in. . hard. . processes. M.V.Polyakov...
Gerhard . Mallot. Plan. Lecture I. Introduction. ...
of . Ground- . & Excited-State Hadrons. Craig...
Size and . Structure. Mikhail . Bashkanov. Univer...
Neda. . Sadooghi. Sharif University of Technolog...
But the very success of the Eightfold Way begs th...
the Fine Print: . Visualizing . Medication . Side...
P. é. ter. Petreczky. ...
Status and Discussion. Rainer Fries. Texas A&...
Rainer Fries. Texas A&M University & RIKE...
Craig Roberts. Physics Division. . Charting the ...
Jan Uphoff. with O. Fochler, Z. Xu and C. Greiner...
2. (7). Michael Jay Perez. Phenomenology 2015. Ma...
Ren. Chen. IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo. 2. nd. Worksh...
. for. . Strange. Quark . Matter. and . Q-Bal...
Ayan Paul. University of Notre Dame du Lac. Notre...
Quark Model Quark Model OutlineHadrons known in 19...
The Discovery of Quarks* Michael Riordan Stmford ...
THREE QUARKS: u, d, s Precursor 1: Sakata Model P...
Quarks attract one another with a force that actua...
(Tohoku Univ.). . Understanding Heavy Quark-. A...
http. ://. vega.bac.pku.edu.cn/. rxxu . R....
Ayana Arce. for the ATLAS collaboration. BOOST 20...
Finely-Tuned . for Life?. Allen . Hainline. Ratio...
Lecture II – From Galileo to Newton. The Renais...
(probably). Not just another fundamental particle...
rate. s . of . Strange. and Charmed baryons . at...
X. , . Y. , . Z. , and . P. c. . Charmoniumlike....
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