Primefact published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
52 Smallscale poultry keeping feeding Greg Poole ...
This Primefact shows how the introduction of the ...
Note This Primefact provides a brief overview of l...
nodosus in association with a number of other bac...
Ruminant animals produce large volumes of gas dur...
It is due to the equatorial regions moving faster...
127 Cabbage growing Jim Murison Former District Ho...
It is caused by bacteria called Leptospira There...
Alpaca use dunging latrines which helps to contro...
922 Blackleg in cattle Dr Sarah Robson Regional An...
It is responsible for initiating over 90 per cent...
16 Smallscale poultry keeping brooding and rearin...
716 Visual and manual assessment of fatness in cat...
Scoring sheep for fleece rot William Murray Proje...
Liver fluke disease in sheep and cattle Dr Joseph ...
Former Livestock Research Officer A severe frost ...
Purple Spotted Gudgeon Mogurnda adspersa F...
Former Livestock Officer (Poultry) Gerry Bolla For...
How pasture characteristics influence sheep produc...
Pasture assessment and livestock production Alan B...
Trees for carbon sequestrationIan Johnson and Rebe...
East NSW November 2013 , Primefact 1327 , first e...
Strangles May 201 4 , Primefact 648 , 4th editi...
Mick Rankmore Regulatory Specialist, Apiaries Comp...
Responsible beekeeping Bee flight paths should b...
Why do residues remain?rsenic and DDT are very per...
Dung beetles working for you Sally Spence ...
Buffalo flies and their control Sally Spence Tech...
Citrus gall wasp in Southern Australia NSW Dep...
Technical Officer Production Research, Orange Int...
Muscle scoring beef cattle Bill McKiernan Researc...
Bacterial canker Bacterial canker is considered a ...
Pastures for horses Hugh Allan Former District Ag...
S Scotch, Illyrian and stemless thistle Weed Manag...
Understanding weather fronts, troughs and r...
A Introduction Serrated tussock (Nassella trichoto...
June 2014 Primefact 326 third edition Agriculture ...
The Paniclehite bottle shape tissueAir...
Primefact 310 second e d it i o n Cuttingthroat...
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