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crucial for: . . Vector Boson Fusio...
They have GaAsCs0 photocathodes ultraviolettransm...
PMTs must be shielded for the FTOF created in a He...
Department of Physics and Astronomy. arisaka@phys...
Foreseen . activities: . The major tasks towards ...
ORKA: . Preliminary Cost and Schedule Estimates....
Matthew Mendonca. Woodside High . School. Mentor....
Telescope . Plans. Proposed Work Packages for th...
STAR Management Meeting: Oct 10 2013. Stephen . T...
Refurbishment for Run15. Stephen . Trentalange. A...
1. Date:. . Saturday, . June 10th. Doors ope...
Jing LIU. IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo. TAUP2011, Munich....
Jun Cao. I. nstitute of High Energy Physics. Daya...
India-based Neutrino Observatory(India). JinPing ...
Schmookler. DVCS - 12/19/2013. 1. Overview. Standa...
solar. . oscilation. . parameters. . using. th...
- . pedestal . subtraction and signal . decompress...
Kamiokande. . Gd. project. Ryosuke AKUTSU. ,. ....
Andrew Renshaw . for the . Super-. Kamiokande. Co...
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