Planck Ray published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Heat engine. A cyclic heat engine. Thermal. effic...
Uro. š. . Seljak. UC Berkeley/LBNL. Dec 18. 2...
, CESifo and Max Planck Institute of Economics. M...
Also Department of Physics, University of Califor...
Estimator of Primordial Perturbation in Equilate...
Challenges. . in the Post-Planck . Era. Scott Do...
Martin Kunz. University of . Geneva & AIMS So...
Antony Lewis On behalf of the Planck Collaboratio...
New Researcher Symposium . Martin Theobald. Unive...
Nu-3. Absolute neutrino mass. Snowmass 2013,. Min...
14 Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Ber...
P. SchenkWine as a Cultural Product:Europe Meets A...
mass. Stuart . Freedman memorial symposium. Berke...
Ph.D. 1989 Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry, ...
Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Be...
MPIfG Discussion Paper Who Becomes a Tenured Prof...
Zong-Kuan. . Guo. Hangzhou . workshop . on gravi...
The nearly exact degeneracy -- i.e., nearly the s...
as . the target of . hadronic. gamma rays. . Y...
. Energy. Alternate Energy. Moving water is a po...
M A X P L A N C K I N S T I T U T E F O R C O M...
&. Primordial Gravitational Waves. Jun-Qing X...
3RF Sciences, LLC. Blackbody defined…. A . blac...
. Neutrinos. , . thermal. . axions. and . cosm...
January 2000 $" " % %...
Mingwu. Wen. , Laura . Proserpio. , Peter Friedr...
Astronomical magnitude system dates back ~2100 y ...
. . . large scale . a. nomalies. . in ....
Advanced Chemistry. Ms. . Grobsky. Food For Thoug...
!. Donna Kubik. Rolfsenfest. . CIRM 2013. Interd...
Principles & Practice of Remote Sensing (PPRS...
Dept. of Physics/CERCA/ISO. Case Western Reserve ...
Rencontres. de . Moriond. 2010. March 14. th. ,...
for. Innovation . and. . Competition. | . Muni...
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