Peer Social published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Not since Marx identified the manufacturing plants...
Challenges peer support services face and how to t...
Module 7 . Victoria Stanhope, PhD. New York Univer...
During the Transition to Adulthood . Rehabilitatio...
Presented by: Su Yingbin. Outline. Introduction. ...
. Sinan. Aral . , . Dylan Walker . Presented by...
Dr. . Matthew . Graham-Brown. SpR. Renal Medici...
Constructing alcohol identities: the role of Soc...
Presenter : Chun-Ping Wu. . Authors :Jeffrey...
There are in total 25 panels divided between the ...
This lesson shows peer tutors how to use complime...
Krithi And Prof UB Desai Department of Computer S...
2 No2 April 2011 DOI 105121ijp2p20112202 12 Soumy...
Summarized are a few of the key findings and best...
Or iginal P aper Robert R Morris1, PhD; Stephen M...
Magda El Zarki. Prof. of CS. Univ. of CA, Irvine....
Gaye Pieterse¹, Rose Quilling ². ¹ School of I...
Peer-To-Peer Networks. Introduction. What is a Pe...
Certified evaluation plan 2014-15. Overview of th...
Certified evaluation plan 2014-15. Overview of th... , )...
The Great Gatsby Project: . Self/ Peer Editing 4/...
Networks. G. Robin Gauthier. Duke University. Par...
the world . efficiently. publish . its . knowledg...
movies, music, and photos on your mobile device, s...
David . Romprey. Oregon . Warmline. and . Inten...
You and I are responsible. to intervene with each...
CPD – 11/3/15. Self and Peer Assessment. Outsta...
Barnum. Nov 2013. Sponsor...
Peer-Pressure & Risk-Taking Behaviour. The Pe...
via Voronoi and Gossip. Ranieri Baraglia. P2P Res...
Rachel Hoover. Director of Academic Skills Develo...
to Standards and Terminology for Recovery Residen...
BitTorrent. -Like. Peer-to-Peer Networks. Content...
Jikai. Yin, . Shuai. Zhang, . Ziwen. Zhang. Wh...
Classroom Peer Review. Edward F. . Gehringer. Dep...
Peer Pressure and Alcohol Use. Bell Ringer. Think...
& . PEER PRESSURE. Active Listening and Commu...
Developing . and implementing a writing accountab...
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