Pedagogical published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Bronté Miller. Kathy Perino. Kate Smith. Pedagog...
Earring from Bethsaida. Temple Warning Sign. The ...
for Student Exploration . of . Threshold Concepts...
Assessing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Future...
Facts about Environmental Education (EE). First a...
The Case of Virtual Microscopy (VM) . and Comput...
across contexts: . designing and exploring learni...
afterthought. : . TPACK. as a Framework for ICT ...
By Peter Wickham. 1. MEd (TESOL) . University of ...
Dilemmas. Avi. Patt, University of Hartford. Ala...
Learners. Mooc. . Lesson. 1.1. In-service Cours...
irrelevance. Jaakko Kurhila, . Director. of . th...
Achievements and Perspectives. Presented by . El...
w. ith . V. arious Teaching Methods. Shuang Ma An...
Walter . Humes. University of Stirling. Four Chal...
in momentum-space: . How . φ. (p) senses distur...
LEADING IMPLEMENTATION K- 2. Curriculum And Asse...
Instructions, Lesson Planning and Improvisation o...
Computational Biology. Nancy Griffeth. Outline. W...
Natasa . Angjeleska. Education and Youth Programâ...
. Pedagogical Application of New Developments an...
An attempt to negotiate respect and identity amon...
Dr . Ana . Baptista. Queen . Mary University of L...
-SED-. Bogotá 28th of March . 2014. Agenda. 8:00...
Largest provider of teachers in Scotland and one ...
- . an example of possible models for solving the...
Patricia Carpenter. Masters of Environmental Educ...
Arficial. Intelligence bring to Education?. Fran...
CMA, The Netherlands. ICT tools to enable . conte...
By Peter Wickham. 1. MEd (TESOL) . University of ...
Literacy. John Mason. NAMA. March 14 2017. The Op...
Assessing Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Future...
Professional Development Resource. How to use thi...
Equity. , and Inclusion. Fashion Institute of Tec...
Professional Development and Data Analysis for Di...
Locality Meeting Presentation. 29 January / 1 Feb...
of Education. University of Helsinki. Department ...
Cherry Steffen. Jim Cope. Mark Warner. What is TP...
Teaching with Primary Sources. Project Team. Eigh...
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