Orbital Quantum published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Wrap Up. The Volume of the Red Ball. An engineer,...
137. Ba. +. Andrea Katz. Trinity University. UW R...
Lecture 8 of “Introduction to Quantum Chaos”....
C. omputing. By: Mike Neumiller & Brian Yarb...
D.S. . Hajdukovic. GBAR Collaboration Meeting. 18...
Quantum Boolean . Circuits. Vincent . Liew. Gener...
Aditi. . Sen. (De). Harish-Chandra Research Inst...
Nuclear landscape. General . principles. Nuclear ...
Canada 10. iQST. , . Dongsheng. Wang. Calgary, 1...
. Field Theory for Gravity and Dark Energy. Sang...
Quantum the Quantum Cost of Reversible Circuit M...
Słowik. , . J. . Straubel. , . F. . Lederer. , a...
Quantum . Size Effects in Nanostructures . A. . T...
Superconductors. Akira . Furusaki. 2012/2/8. 1. Y...
[needs revision]. R. eferences are more fully lis...
” vs. Quantization of . Tachyonic. Dynamics. G...
Superfluid. . 4. He in the . T . = 0 Limit. Andr...
Graduate Computer Architecture. Lecture 26. Moder...
Professor John . Kubiatowicz. University of Calif...
Lecture 12. P. erturbation theory examples. HWK ...
K. Sengupta. Indian Association for the Cultivati...
Quantum Mechanics (made fun and easy). Why the wo...
Associate Professor, EECS. MIT. Quantum Mechanics...
Mark Williamson. m. ark.williamson@wofson.ox.ac.u...
Marek Perkowski. Projects for the new ECE 574 cla...
geometry. From superconducting. qubits. to . spi...
Andris AmBAINIS (UNIV. OF LATVIA). Forrelation. :...
AmBAINIS. UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA. Quantum algorithm...
of Anomalous Isotope Effects. Dmitri . Babikov. M...
“. Coalescence . of Single Photons Emitted by D...
Lior . Eldar. MIT . / . CTP. Joint work with Aram...
quasiparticles. in a . Bose gas. ". Parafermioni...
with quantum computers. Vlatko. . Vedral. , . Ox...
2012. Cavity-coupled strongly correlated nanodevi...
extended hitting time. Andris . Ambainis. , . Mar...
the laboratory. : modeling . engineered quantum s...
& Blood Quantum. By: . Jasey. . Frasco. , . ...
Quantum Locking, or . Flux . pinning, . is the ph...
Dieter Jaksch. Outline. Lecture 1: Introduction. ...
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