Ontology Http published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Exercise – Project Layout. G. eneral remarks â€...
. Ontology, TMD and beyond;. Principles for Taxo...
. . j.pinney@imperial.ac.uk. . Gene annota...
Benno. . Lee. 1(. leeb5@rpi.edu. ). , Patrick We...
Department of Computer Science. University of Oxf...
Immune . Epitope Database and Analysis Project. L...
with . A-box . object properties . derived . from...
Barry Smith, Alexander Diehl, Anna-Maria . Masci....
Golden Ontology. Webinar. 8 April 2015. Mike Benn...
Presented by Sole. Chapters 1 - 5. Introduction. ...
Assessing. . the. . Underworld:. . Infrastruct...
, John Erickson, Stephan Zednik, . Yu Chen, Han W...
historical immediacy. . An ecology of developmen...
with a pinch of ontology . John Carter. Vice Pres...
amarnath. Gupta. burak. Ozyurt. Thomas Whitenack...
Biocurators. ’ Wishes for the . GeneOntology. Bi...
Elizabeth Arnaud. Marie-Angelique . Laporte. Cater...
December 13, 2010. Dean B. Krafft. Chief Technolog...
Hajo Rijgersberg Promot iecommissie : - p rof.dr. ...
Katrin Weller Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldo...
CIDO, a community-based ontology for coronavirus d...
methods leveraging precision medicine, therapeutic...
Katrin Weller Heinrich-Heine-University Dsseldorf ...
James Brinkley (PI). Onard Mejino. Todd Detwiler. ...
Mercedes . Arguello. Casteleiro. 1. , Julie Klein...
Lecture in . BMI501 (2159_24752): . Survey of Biom...
PHI 637 SEM / BMI 708 SEM. Werner Ceusters . and B...
EPFL, Lausanne. January 30, 2017. Niagara Falls. 2...
Language (. OWL). Dr Nicholas . Gibbins - . nmg. @...
Semantic Interoperability in . Health Care. Stefan...
Describing . Taxon Concepts from http://. code.go...
Mike Conlon, Nicholas Rejack and Laura . Guazzell...
Student : . Mateja. . Sakovi. ć 3015/2011. Intr...
Names and Descriptions for Organisms on . the Sem...
Communities. Alan Ruttenberg. Oral Diagnostic Sci...
INST 734. Doug . Oard. Module 8. Agenda. M. etada...
Data Citation and Linked Open Data. Paul Groth @....
Scholarly articles haven't really changed much in...
Things. thing. thing. relationship. U R I. types ...
Exemplar semantic enhancements to a research . pa...
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