Older Insomnia published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
AGing, Independence, and Disability (AGID) Program...
The term activities of daily living was first coin...
INTRODUCTION. Older adults comprise a major portio...
Learning objectives. Identify types of activities ...
Web site: . http://www.nia.nih.gov/. NIA Mission: ...
A Cup of Empowerment: . Partnering to Strengthen t...
Director, Office of Special Populations. National ...
for Principle-Driven Behavioral Intervention Devel...
Meri Goehring, PT, PhD. Board Certified Geriatric ...
Geriatrics Hub . Thiru . Yogaparn. MD, FRCPC. Ass...
The P.G Department of Panchakarma . National Insti...
Maximillian Castoreno . What is Multiple Sclerosi...
President, Sleep Medicine Section, Royal Society o...
DSWOP Endowed Chair in Clinical Geriatrics. Chief,...
EMS Chief Manager. Perspective&Epidemiolgy. .M...
Night. Not far from us, flames were leaping up fro...
Measurement and Interventions. Holly M. Holmes, MD...
Adults. Ronni . Chernoff. , PhD, RD, . CSG, FADA. ...
Older Adults. Anthony J. Caprio, . MD, CMD. Medica...
December 5, 2019. Deprescribing. in Older Adults....
Angela S. Stewart, PharmD, BCPS. Clinical Associat...
August 28, 2020. 1:30pm-4:00pm. Please write your...
. SSRI’s (. fluoxetine. ) and SNRI’s (. ven...
65+ Clinical Geriatrics Program. Attending Physici...
A . Webinar . with . Dr. . . Steven R. Peskin. Fri...
. read. . the. . questions. and . try. to . an...
Clinical case and discussion questions. Created by...
Victoria S. . Pelak. , MD. February 2021. Professo...
Insomnia. COMMON AND DEADLY. Chronic insomnia affe...
Training Slides. Adapted (with permission) from th...
Introduction to Dehydration. Welcome Back to the N...
Kathleen Pace Murphy, PhD, MS, GNP-BC. Assistant P...
Intensive. . Care. . Unit. . of. . Emergency. ...
articular. cartilage, hypertrophy of bone at the ...
William A. Monaco, OD, MSEd, PhD. University of So...
. Dr . . Fariborzi. ...
Case. 1: . A. . wrinkly. . woman. Medical. . F...
(Res . eadem. . vulnus. . opemque. . feret. ). ...
1. What is Elder Abuse?. 1. Elder abuse is any act...
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