Oclc Prteur published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
UC Berkeley School of Information, Information Ac...
GLIMIR. Plenary Session: WorldCat Local Panel. M...
ALA Midwinter, January 27, 2014. OCLC Research Up...
Ranganathan. : . Shifting . User Behaviors, . Shi...
T. ownsend . L. eader . H. istorical . N. ewspape...
COLLECTIONS . with the. Institutional Mission. Ti...
A . Longitudinal Study of Query Type &. . Ac...
Synergy: Social Q&A Meets Virtual Reference ...
Getting the Right Fit: . Tailoring Assessment Str...
Merrilee. . Proffitt. Senior Program Officer . O...
Collections unbound:. Collection directions and t...
May 8, 2008 Tools Forum Page 1 of 1 RLG Progra...
. Mark Stiles . Professor of Technology Supporte...
#. pastfor. An OCLC Research Library Partnership ...
CollectionsWeb Stakeholders Workshop, May 2-3, 20...
The Society . for the Preservation of Natural His...
Distinction with Impact . Lisa R. Carter. OCLC Re...
an update. Faceted Subject Access Interest Group....
ILLiad. to . WorldShare. GUGM 2015. Sarah Kirkle...
The library in the life . of the user: . some con...
User Group Meeting. November 2011. Susan . McGl...
Converting Recital Recordings Data at the Univers...
nd. December 2015, . Woodward Centre, University...
: Patron-initiated . direct requests for PALNI. D...
A global system. A shared future. James Michalko....
FAST. . Cynthia M. Whitacre. WorldCat Quality &a...
: the shift to . data-driven . approaches.. SCONU...
Evergreen Indiana History. Project discussion beg...
Presenters:. Dan Scott. Systems Librarian. Lauren...
UC3M, Virtual Reference Course. Using Virtual Ref...
The Archival Advantage. Integrating Archival Expe...
Collections and Archives Webinar. 27 October 2011...
Nashville. June 7-10, 2012. Lynn Silipigni . Conn...
Revised 05//2010 Wellintentioned practicefor putti...
November 201Page . Defining BornDi...
This co-publication of the Library of Congress and...
John MacColl, . European . Director. RLG Programs...
don’t want to be a . dead-end” VRS Librarians...
RapidILL. Presented by Kenneth Kinslow. A resourc...
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