Nih Data published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Director, Division of Biomedical Research Workforc...
Tiffani Bailey Lash, Ph.D and Manana Sukhareva, Ph...
Presented by:. Wendy . Rubinstein, MD, PhD, FACP, ...
National . Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI...
Sally Rockey, Ph.D. .. NIH . Deputy Director for. ...
Drew Carlson, Ph.D.. Division of Cardiovascular Sc...
nih. Ericka Boone, Ph.D. . Acting Director, Divis...
Understanding NIH Career Development “K” Award...
POC/Title and or Institute/Website. : Natalia Kruc...
Glen Nuckolls, PhD. Program Director, Neurogenetic...
Director, Office of Research Training & Career...
Jane D. Scott, ScD, MSN. Director, Office of Resea...
Wilfried Karmaus. School of Public Health. Univers...
UCSF Liver Center. October 26, 2016. Lessons from ...
Alcohol Use Disorder: A Comparison Between DSM...
Understanding NIH Career Development “K” award...
A Primer for investigators new(ER) to the . Nih. ...
PreCon. Workshop. Human Subjects Research: . Poli...
NIH TOP 10. Megan Columbus. Finding the Right . F...
Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers. Vir...
Cynthia Monahan, MBA, . CIP. CRC . IRB Director. K...
“Putting it All Together. ”. 1. Why the change...
Continued Funding Opportunities. Bishow. Adhikari...
Great Plains . IDeA. -CTR Network. February 12, 20...
NIH Guidelines for Research Involving ...
and Virginia Tech . Institutional Biosafety Commit...
1. Chris . Sasiela, PhD, RAC. chris.sasiela@nih.go...
Maintaining integrity- including confidentiality a...
Office of Intramural Research. Office of the Direc...
presented by the . Office of policy for extramural...
HowardGadlinistheombudsmanattheNationalInstituteso... Internet: www.diabetes.n...