Ngc Quintet published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Jelle Kaastra. Jerry . Kriss. , Massimo . Cappi. ,...
5548: A twin of NGC 4151? Katrien Steenbrugge Univ...
Why is it important to progress to bigger and bet...
– Dept. Physics and Astronomy University of . H...
Violette Impellizzeri (NRAO). Alan Roy (. MPIfR. ...
NGC 1566 (SAB(rs)bcSy1). NGC 7331. NGC 628. NGC 1...
Guido Risaliti. INAF – . Osservatorio. . Astro...
WDs. . Jana Bilikova. 1. . . You-. Hua....
Are They Chemically Distinct to Their Fellow RGB ...
in the Milky Way. Christian Johnson. Smithsonian ...
Q. . Daniel . Wang . University . of . Massachuse...
ngc. 7129. Joshua . thomas. Overview. Intro to t...
Outer Envelope Structure In Massive Globular Clu...
Chelsea Braun. Credit: Artist illustration ESO, h...
Astronomy C Ev...
An X-ray/UV Perspective. Edmund Hodges-. Kluck. Jo...
star – forming dwarf galaxies. Francesca Annibal...
Water Vapor . Megamasers. Jim Braatz (NRAO). Measu...
These galaxies are located in the southern conste...
An Orientation for Prospective and New Members. A...
the first 40 years, 1953-92 . What is a Blue St...
YSOVAR. Luisa . Rebull. SSC/IPAC/Caltech. 14 May ...
The Nebula NGC 7129 Acluster of newborn stars hera...
Chandra Image of 3C273 XRay Astronomy Field G...
dense cloud decoupling & evidence for magneti...
near-infrared . photometry . from the . ground fo...
Megan Johnson. NRAO, Green Bank. Tully-Fisher Wor...
Hubble Telescope. Compiled by Chris Wolfram, RA U...
plasma analysis. Jelle Kaastra. Introduction. Wh...
Joseph Jensen, Utah Valley University. John Blake...
Craig Sarazin. University of Virginia. M86. (. Ra...
X-ray . sources. Tim . Roberts . Jeanette . Glad...
Takafumi . Haga. (SOKENDAI/ISAS). Collaborato...
Wen-Ping . Chen . National . Central . University...
Harvard-Smithsonian . CfA. July 2012. X-Ray Bina...
protostellar. cores?. Chat Hull. University of C...
Priest Associate Professor of Physics. Galaxies. ...
The Hubble Deep Field. 10 day exposure –field l...
by. James Moran. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for A...
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