Neutrino Spokesperson published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Axion . L. imits. Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-In...
Results & Prospects. Alfons Weber. University...
Cryogenics. 63. th. . EHN1 Cryogenics Integratio...
Leptogenesis. University of Maryland. Department ...
Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institut f. ür Phys...
Status – 18 September 2014. Done. : (1/2) . Pre...
R.Svoboda. Sterile Neutrinos as DM?. As WIMP sea...
In particle physics , elementary particles and fo...
for a . Giant Radio . Array. for Neutrino . Det...
Lalakulich. ,. Oliver . Buss. , Ulrich Mosel, Lui...
-chicane & absorber. David . Neuffer. C. Roge...
Context: Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory. 1997...
of a . Muon. Collider or Neutrino Factory. K. Mc...
Homework Problem 6.9 (QCD Chapter). “Collision...
Cioli Barazandeh, Angel . Gutarra-leon. and Wal...
seesaw and leptogenesis?. Hitoshi Murayama . (IPM...
David . Neuffer. November 2013. 2. Outline. Front...
DUNE . FD. N. D. 1300 km . W. e have learned much...
:. past present future. Heidi Schellman @ Frank M...
Jing LIU. IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo. TAUP2011, Munich....
. @. Nufact2016, . Quy. . Nhon. , Vietnam . 20...
of a . Muon. Collider or Neutrino Factory. K. Mc...
On behalf of the . DayaBay. collaboration. Virgi...
Goldsmith’s Particle Physics Summer School. 21....
David . Neuffer. November 2013. 2. Outline. Front...
-chicane & absorber. David . Neuffer. C. Roge...
by. Jeremiah W. Murphy. NSF AAP Fellow. (Universi...
keV. sterile neutrino search with KATRIN. Tobias...
End. (IPAC13, TUPFI075. ) . H. K. Sayed,. *1. . ...
E. xperimental Limit. Ben . Rybolt. 12/10/2012. G...
extended Standard . Model . Yuta . Orikasa. (. I...
Gamma-ray Burst . Data. Sam Stafford. The Ohio St...
28 March 2018. Perspectives on Laser H. -. Manip...
How did . the universe come to be the way that it...
The Standard Model. Varan Satchithanandan. Mentor...
Director for High Energy Physics. Office of Scien...
Fabrice . Piquemal. Laboratoire Souterrain de Mod...
STEEN . HANNESTAD, Aarhus . University. COSMO, 14...
. Rome Samanta...
Heavy Neutral Leptons at the SPS. (CERN-SPSC-2013...
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