Muon Meg published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Alexei . Safonov. CMS . Muon. Upgrades. CMS Techn...
Mingming Yang. University of Michigan. Advisers: P...
muon. . g-. 2. Brendan Casey. PIC. . 2014. Septe...
Set Up. , Measurements, and Dry Run Testing. Coope...
muon. projects. J. Pasternak,. Imperial College L...
1 particle. Phys. Lett. A, 357, No. 2, 120-124 (20...
Z( mumu ) & Z( mumug ) Prof. Goshaw Duke Universi...
MINERvA. Experiment. Tammy Walton. New Perspectiv...
muon . science. Adrian Hillier . ISIS . Muon. Gro...
Old Virtex-E mezzanine. New Spartan-6 mezzanine. D...
all you always wanted to know about . how to build...
Why study the anomalous magnetic moment of the muo...
(LEP and LHC experiments). Arturo . Fernández. , ...
stack. Introduction . RPC detector and gas compo...
Takach and Kirsten Nelson Cavendish Laboratory Ca...
Hoecker CERN and WJ Mar ciano BNL The Dirac equat...
E. Rev.D4, 2821 (1971)] and the heavy lepton sea...
MuonPhysicsContents NTRODUCTION......................
muon beam: One of the most critical background so...
= 0). Solution by Michael A. Gottlieb: (I choose ...
Tevatron. Brendan Casey. SEL11, TIFR, 1/11/11. Te...
PNNL. PNNL-SA-92945. Searching for Dark Matter wi...
Rajat. K Dey. 1,2. Arunava. Bhadra. 2. Jean-No....
Tracking. . M. eeting 13.06.2012. SOR issue. Fir...
its application to Ionization Cooling . for a . M...
MINERvA. Kevin McFarland. University of Rochester...
26 August 2010. Intro & Selections. Reference...
4. -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS. Conseil...
M. Webber. For the . MuLan. Collaboration. Unive...
Puri. , . Y. Uchida, Y. . Yap, Imperial College L...
Caroline Steiblin. Prof. Al . Goshaw. Dr. Andrea ...
Anthony Tatum What Is a Muon? Co...
Theres a good reason why the muon is such a...
H. Sakamoto, Osaka University. (on behalf of . t...
Part II. Victoria Blackmore. CM32, RAL, . Febuary...
D0 Collaboration Organization. TeV Working Groups...
:. Alan Watson. 18 . March, Lecture 3. 1. 2. 3. S...
impact of the relative movement . 細かい計算...
Resistive Plate . Chambers. (. vis. a . vis. . ...
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