Muon published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
1997: Colin Johnson argued that the next step aft...
Context: Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory. 1997...
D0 Collaboration Organization. TeV Working Groups...
:. Alan Watson. 18 . March, Lecture 3. 1. 2. 3. S...
impact of the relative movement . 細かい計算...
Resistive Plate . Chambers. (. vis. a . vis. . ...
Wesley H. Smith. U. Wisconsin – Madison. CMS Tr...
C.W. James, . ECAP, University of Erlangen,. on b...
Texas A&M University. o. n behalf of the GEM ...
Upgrade Status. P. Campana, . Muon Upgrade . Mee...
COMET. μ-e conversion search from . muonic. . a...
Arunava. . bhadra. High Energy & Cosmic ray ...
Doubly Charged Higgs Analysis. in 3 leptons final...
Fabrizio. . Cei. INFN. . and. University . of....
Muon. flux. By Laura Thorsett and . Promita. . ...
Melissa Jerkins. University of Texas at . Austin....
an update. November 2013. Norman Gee. Caveat. The...
result and cross-checks. The results in the diffe...
“. High”. -Gradient . Normal Conducting RF R&...
Alan Bross. N u F a c t 0 9. From . SuperBeams. ...
Muon. Source. K. McDonald. Princeton U.. . (De...
Rudolf Oldeman. Fills last week. Last fill on . f...
Muon Alignment Status. Yuriy Pakhotin. On behalf ...
Third in a series of FP6/7 IAs on Accelerator R&a...
muon. particle physics . programmes. at J-PARC....
MINERvA is studying neutrino interactions in unpr...
Diktys Stratakis. Fermi National Accelerator Labo...
HEP . Conference. 1. NMSSM Higgs Search. Search f...
. H. . Sako. . (. ASRC/J-PARC, JAEA. ). for J-...
S. Tarem, S. . Bressler. , S. . Vallecorsa. , E. ...
Feb. 28, 2012. Jay Hauser. Current status for:. C...
Current status. Arkadiy Klebaner. November . 21. ...
and Earth Structures. By . Miriam Aczel. What are...
using Root v5. Dedicated to. Dr. . Izyan. . Hazw...
Resistive Plate . Chambers. (. vis. a . vis. . ...
QuarkNet. Student Investigations. DAQ ...
” Update. Kevin Paul. Tech-X Corporation. Don S...
Arunava. . bhadra. High Energy & Cosmic ray ...
C. Booth, P. Hodgson, R. Nicholson, P. J. Smith, ...
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