Microsoft Query published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Mihai Surdeanu, David . McClosky. , John Bauer, J...
Zhou, . Hongning. Wang, Kevin Chen-. Chuan. Ch...
Developer, Microsoft Corp.. Deep . Dive: Improvin...
Sean Squires . Principal IT Program Manager . Mic...
Dell. SERV301. Better To...
Docker. and Microsoft: How Azure is Bringing the...
Plus: online collaboration & more!. Google Dr...
Chris Manning, Pandu Nayak and . Prabhakar. . Ra...
. Schütze. and Christina . Lioma. Lecture 7: S...
Vagelis. . Hristidis. Assistant Professor. Schoo...
of . Preference Queries . in . Data Streams : a S...
Pei Li. University of Milan – . Bicocca. Adviso...
Gianluigi Viscusi SEQUOIAS -DISCo - UnMiB. Linkin...
License Acquisition. to IT . strategy. Patrick V...
Database . Development from . Zero . to . Sixty ....
. Gert. E.R. Drapers. . Group Engineering M...
Ten Tips to Help Reduce. INDOOR AIR POLLUTANTS. K...
<Presenter>. Microsoft. Office 365 Overview...
(Extra Content). Robert Hogg. Architect. Black Ma...
Building Great Audio Communications Applications...
Tao Xie. North Carolina State University. Nikolai...
Useful Guide to Retrieving and Analyzing Memory ....
Jared Cowart. Introductions. Overview of Citrix R...
. to . Learn. the Durations of Events. Andrey. ...
@. meetjkalis. Product Marketing Manager. Microso...
Data Analysis on . MapReduce. Chao Liu, Hung-. ch...
Dynamics . SL 2015. Jon Augdahl. Boyer & Asso...
Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015. Supporta...
Dynamics ERP - Business Manager . Microsoft Dyna...
Damien Joly. Senior Product Manager, Salesforce. ...
Adapt and grow easily by hosting apps in the clou...
Danny Y. Huang. Kenneth Yocum. Alex C. Snoeren. U...
A discussion about new opportunities. Hold On!. D...
Yanbin Yin. Fall 2014. 1. http://. www.ncbi.nlm.n...
Overview of Partner Marketing Tools & Resourc...
Basics. Disclaimer. The information contained in...
Building Mesh-Enabled Web Applications Using the ...
Pablo Castro. Software Architect. Microsoft...
Arash Ghanaie-Sichanie. Senior Program Manager. M...
Michael Conrad. . Product Unit Manager. Mic...
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