Microfinance Clients published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Central Asia. Khartoum 2012. Development of Micro...
Microfinance India Conference 2010. Manoj K. Shar...
Initiatives . around . the Globe. & . Role i...
Learning Goals. Why are most microfinance borrowe...
w. ith Sanghmitra Gautam. The start of Microfinan...
Dr. . Muneer. . Babu. M . Senior Lecturer in Ec...
Isabel Salgueiro. KEPA Brussels Office. 27 May 201...
Brigades . Information Session. September 15, 201...
P.V. Viswanath. FIN 680V/ FIN 360. Spring 2012. P...
David Mckenzie. Intervention Snapshot. The World ...
Microfinance . Report 2011. Jaipal Singh. Executi...
The Contested Terrain . of . Entrepreneurial . Mi...
Institutions and the Global Growth of Microfinanc...
Transition to Independence. Featured program for ...
Global Brigades’ Mission. : To empower voluntee...
P.V. Viswanath. What is microfinance?. Is it the ...
Peter . Pamment. . Microfinance Advisor, . Fores...
Viv Grigg. MA in Transformational Urban Leadersh...
Joy . Kiiru. DFG/NSTC Conference Lusaka 19. th. -...
The provision of shelter is a . primary. need!. ...
Zaigham. M. Rizvi. Secretary General,. Asia-Paci...
Muhammad Zubair Mughal Chief Executive Officer...
Learning Objectives. Understand the basics of micr...
Dhiraj Jain Ms Bhagyashree Jain ABSTRACT Keywords...
FX Forwards A Guide for Microfinance Practitioner...
*|{What is Cumulative Repayment Rate? How to use i...
*|{What is Current Repayment Rate? How to use it i...
*|{What is On-time Repayment Rate? How to use it i...
*|{What is Return on Equity? How to use it in Micr...
and Adverse . selection . P.V. Viswanath. The Pro...
November 2009. Your Micro-Business Partners. Exec...
and ROSCA. s. P.V. Viswanath. ROSCAs. Rotating Sa...
Over-borrowing?. Ratul. . Lahkar. , IFMR. Viswan...
:. . The . Contribution of Systematic Reviews in...
Saurabh Sharma. Uplift Health Mutuals. U...
18. th. MFC Annual Conference. 5-6 Novemebr 2015...
Building Better Products through Randomized Evalu...
and Moral hazard. P.V. Viswanath. The Problem of ...
to the Social Performance Indicators (SPI). Tool...
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