Micro Bunch published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Dr. Pedro Britto and Carlos Perez. Black Diamond S...
Session 5: “High Intensity: Present and Future...
. . The conventional readout techniques employ a l...
scheme to mitigate longitudinal instabilities in S...
Jiquan . Guo. EIC Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Oct ...
programme at . Daresbury Lab. . Y. Saveliev. , T. ...
Tuning the beam (from Andy’s slides). SLAC can p...
Montreux, 20-22 January 2020. Upgrade . beyond bas...
FB. Stefania Papadopoulou, Fanouria Antoniou, Yann...
Résumé 2011. Perspectives 2012. Activités 2011....
Hao. Zhang. University of Maryland/University of ...
May . 9. , 2017. Admin data and other. Otto Swertz...
conditions. F. Antoniou, . M. . Hostettler, . Y. P...
. monitor . for PS. Mariusz Sapinski, . Oliver Kel...
the European XFEL. . A. . Novokshonov. ,. G. Kub...
Multi-objective Optimization of the . Matching Bea...
Kelly Swan, CEO. Renew Therapeutic Enhancement Ser...
Grade Technology Class. Syring. Elementary. I thi...
J. ü. rgen Pfingstner. 3. rd. September 2015. Co...
M Väänänen. , B . Lindström. , D . Wollmann. ,...
m. -PIC (and MM etc.) . Atsuhiko. Ochi. Kobe Univ...
A. Gallo. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. L...
Andrea Latina (BE-ABP-LAT). Outline. Study of Sing...
M. Deveaux, 25th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Apr. 2...
MICRO MOBILITY VEHICLES . Micro mobility is evolvi...
V. . Variale*. , B. Skarbo. 2. 1Istituto Nazionale...
LHCb. . Velo. CERN. . 240µm. 260µm. LETI3S ....
hadrontherapy. applications – BG/PV group . L. ...
Zamir. Iqbal, PhD. The World Bank Global Center f...
[+ several students including S. Hedges] (LBNL). E...
Discussion points. BPM sensitivity FCC pp (button...
Finemet Review. September 14. th. - 15. th. 2...
Mauro Pivi CERN/SLAC. CLIC Collabortion Meeting CE...
ECE at SPS and LHC. Hofle. CERN BE-RF-FB. o. n beh...
Mohsan Raza (engrmohsan@gmail.com). 1. ...
6. Extragalactic Microlensing. Wambsganss. . 2001...
Director of ASTeC, STFC. E. lectron . M. odel for ...
. Beamline. @ IRIDE. E. . Chiadroni. . (LNF-INFN...
P. . Petagna. :. Micro-channel Cooling. Micro-ch...
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