Metadata Zine published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Paul . Paciorek. Manager - Data Management. Infor...
Jim Coble. Digital Repository Developer. j.
Director. , Metadata Management. , OCLC . Coopera...
Shoutcast. Nathan Archer. CS 525 Spring 2008. Str...
- wrap up -. Peter . Wittenburg. these slides are...
Enhancing the NSDL. Katy Ginger. 2011. 1. Steppin...
2016. Issues . in l. anguage documentation and r...
METS in heterogeneous digital repositories. . Ag...
The Royal Library . of Denmark . by Eld Zierau. C...
Slides Template for Module 3. Contextual details ...
Presenter: Gary Phelps. Prof. Guo Lab. School of ...
ELAG 2016. 8 . june. 2016, Peter van Boheemen. W...
Library 2.015. October 20, 2015. Christinger Tome...
Sanjay . Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak L...
A case for a “causal metadata bus”. 2. nd. D...
In 2012 : 18 714 vertical profiles . from. 26 . ...
and metadata, oh my!. Presented by: Ruven Gotz. D...
Introduction to metadata management. This present...
through . Collaboratory for quAlity Metadata Pres...
November 24, 2014. Web Maps with Leaflet. Steps. ...
estrategias . de codificación adecuados para la ...
Quantifying. . Metadata. . Quality. Werner Bail...
GFZ German Research . Centre. . for. . Geoscien...
Automated Fixity Checker for Disparate Hardware ....
Allen Lee. Center for Behavior, Institutions, and...
3-4 June 2015. Constance Malpas. The Evolving Sch...
what happened…. Kevin Kane, . PHASTAR. kevink@p...
Gordon Dunsire. Presented at Linked Open Data: cu...
Agency requirements for submitting metadata. Nanc...
Ine de Visser, . J. une. 3th 2016. INSPIRE monit...
Mary Beth Weber. Head, Central Technical Services...
Introductions. NIST. Office of Data and Informati...
Question 1. In your view/experience what parts of...
in the Built Environment . Lynn M. Schriml . Uni...
Ted Habermann, John . Kozimor. , Sean Gordon, Joh...
in . SharePoint 2013. Vesa Juvonen. Principal Con...
Update. Mark . A. Liebig. USDA-ARS. Croplands Re...
Say what you see. Claire Knowles (University of E...
Compression. : Metadata, Mapping and Prediction. ...
Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata for Web A...
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