Metadata Genboree published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Rok Platinovsek. UNECE Work Session on Statistica...
. M.Eng. ., Technical Lead, Born Accessible and ...
in the Built Environment . Lynn M. Schriml . Uni...
Poole . 1983. Irish Sea 1985. Llanilar 1985. Sout...
Integrate Web of Science Data into your Systems a...
Ted Habermann, John . Kozimor. , Sean Gordon, Joh...
in . SharePoint 2013. Vesa Juvonen. Principal Con...
connected homes. Trinabh. Gupta*,. Amar . Phanis...
Islandora. : . Is There An. . Easy. Way?. Metad...
Kenichi Kourai. Kyushu Institute of Technology. O...
. Collaborations Between Metadata Librarians and...
Say what you see. Claire Knowles (University of E...
Update. Mark . A. Liebig. USDA-ARS. Croplands Re...
LISA VIII, 6-9 June 2017. Dominic Bordelon. Libra...
Outline. Adapt implementation in Tanzania – the...
June 8. th. , 2017. International Conference on M... 217-244-4903 or 800...
Knut . Hofland. Uni. Research Computing. Bergen,...
Recording and Archiving. What are recordings used...
CiteSeerX. Jian Wu. IST 441 (Spring 2016) invited...
Luminiţa. . Buga. NIMRD, Romania. EMODnet. Che...
ISO/TC 46/SC11N800R1 1 ISO/TC 46/SC11N800R1 Wh...
eScience. Center 21 . March. 2013. Why a good c...
Aaron Collie, MSU . Libraries. Lisa Schmidt, Univ...
Garth Luke. Elaine van Bergen. OSP316A . Garth . ...
Compression. : Metadata, Mapping and Prediction. ...
April 29, 2016. PRIMA. Indianapolis. Proprietary ...
DES-7355. Tu-. Th. . 9:40-11:05. Seminar Room ...
Esri. INSPIRE Discovery, View and Download and OG...
a future past today. Gordon Dunsire. Presented at...
Presentation to the Manchester Data Science club....
. data planes. Mihai Budiu. VMwar...
. data planes. Mihai Budiu. VMwar...
A Scalable Data Delivery Platform. University of ...
Main Points. File layout. Directory layout. File ...
to my repository?. Ryan . Scherle. Open Repositor...
16S Workshop Part I. March 11. th. , 2014. Julia...
FileFacets Overview. What it is, What it does &am...
Use the coloured pencils to complete the do it no...
benefits and challenges. of running in-house deve...
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