Metadata Ego published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Infrastructure – current state and future. Osam...
Identifying Motivations for Library DAMS Migratio...
Location-dependant object-based . media-streaming...
Institutional Repositories. SEAL-S. Tim . Tamming...
Khan, L., McLeod, D. & . Hovy. , E. .. . Pre...
October 10, 2014. Jeff Mixter - OCLC Research. Pa...
C van Ingen, D Agarwal, M Goode, J Gupchup, . J ...
Representation of Encapsulation Metadata. 2. Map...
DSpace. . and SWORD. 10. th. International Conf...
the Biodiversity Heritage Library. Bianca Crowley...
Digital Pub. lishing Collaborative. Meeting Notes...
Protiviti. July 12, 2014. Streamline Your SharePo...
Digital Preservation 2012. Andrea Goethals. File ...
Y. ou . S. olve . A. . P. roblem . L. ike . P. o...
Presented By: . Mo...
Montana Memory Project . Kootenai Family of Weste...
Providing information . to facilitate data reuse...
Samuel Ranta, 23.11.2015. Ingredients of archival...
Knowledge . Representation and Documents. C...
M. anuscripts. a selection of a private collectio...
Central Lunatic Asylum for the Colored Insane. Di...
United Nations Library and Information Network fo...
Operational Material. Outline. Topics to be cover...
Dominic . Bordelon. and Adam St.Pierre. Introduc...
Predictor . Virtualization. Andreas . Moshovos. U...
Decision: Make 3 Separate . S. ervices. Retrieve...
Name. Title. Company. Agenda. Introduction. What...
Robert Nishihara. What is GFS?. Distributed . fil...
Yahoo! Research. Programming and Debugging . Larg...
GSBPM. Generic Statistical Information Model (GSI...
Key points. What makes something an identifier?. ...
Working Group Update. Metadata Definitio. n. 2. L...
and . EPrints. Services for Object Storage and Pr...
Providing information . to facilitate data reuse...
ESIP Winter 2014 meeting. Organizer/Moderator: Ed...
Mary . Mowat. BGS Marine Data and Information. mm...
Digital Pub. lishing Collaborative. Meeting Notes...
FITS. to. Identify File Formats. and Extract Met...
1. Dennis Kafura – CS5204 – Operating Systems...
tailed. e-. Humanities. . and. the Big Bad Dat...
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