Luminosity Cern published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
UPO May 3 2013. Didier . Contardo. , Jeff Spaldi...
Achintya Rao. CMS Experiment. Background. Hosted ...
on dark . photons. Yongchao Zhang. In collaborati...
Short introduction. The . fastest. racetrack on ...
Miscellaneous. UPO Oct. 12 2012. Didier . Contard...
WP1: . microwave-based accelerators. Progress tow...
INTC Meeting 31. st. October 2012. Richard Cathe...
Sun Kun OH (. Konkuk. University). 16 November 2...
synchronization with SPS. Andy . Butterworth (. B...
Exploring the lifecycle of stars. Stars in the Ni...
to Identity Federation. Andrey . Kiryanov. Brief....
Beta Beam: timetable and cost. EUROnu. meeting P...
Mike Lamont, Olli Johnson*. 1. *Oxford University...
To subscribe to WP mailing lists. NA2: http://mai...
Michael Kobel, TU Dresden. Overview on . national...
Masterclass. to Developing Country. WG#11. How t...
facilities outside . CERN. EDMS document 1077130 ...
Setting the scene. The . viewpoint of an STM Libr...
Proposal. Upgrade. 30/08/2012. sebastien.roussee...
CERN 904. RPC upgrade-meeting, . 04. .SEP.2013. D...
Tim Bell. Charles Curran. Gordon . Lee. July 1. s...
A. re we there. yet?. . Marek Denis. CERN . ope...
Eric Prebys, Fermilab. Director, US LHC Accelerat...
CER tlca Th - Ove A A versar Round-tabl A (Photo ...
workshop 7-10 July 2009. WP1: microwave based acc...
correlations. in heavy-ion collisions. Peter Hri...
testbeam. . at . SPS . H8. 27 . sep. – 03 . o...
F. Antoniou, Y. . Papaphilippou. Beam-Beam and lu...
GigaTracKer. Hybrid Module Manufacturing. Fraunh...
and Final Focus Stabilisation. CERN, 27-Mar-2009...
A little bit on its . metallicity. (. Z. ). Some...
M. Sapinski. Emittance. meeting, CERN. 2012.11.2...
Hubert Niewiadomski. CERN. , . on behalf of the ....
RunControl. Nicolas Lurkin. School of Physics and...
April 2008. 7.9 hours. half . t. ~0.5, half . t...
an R&D Partnership . Bill Jonhson,. Director ...
21. Al with resonance elastic and inelastic scatt...
Once they are free, they act like particles and e...
Software Access Anywhere. Dan Bradley . dan@hep.w...
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