Luminosity Cern published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
“Tools to facilitate detector development”. ST...
CIEMAT: . AC structures and Dipoles magnets. CELL...
G. . Iadarola. , G. . Rumolo. Thanks to:. F. Zimme...
Geant4 toolkit & collaboration. J. Apostolakis...
HEPiX Spring 2014, LAPP, Annecy. Alan Silverman (C...
of Fundamental Physics . and Applications (ASP). Z...
GitHub. Mathieu Benoit. Why use . Git. Git. , like...
Main aims: . “Adiabatically” increase peak lum...
), . Additional forward toroid . calculations. Gen...
SIMONE CAMPANA. (CERN). DOMA working groups: . TPC...
New Front End Chip interfaced with the SRS: VMM (B...
1. 14-May-14. Givi Sekhniaidze. 2. M. echanical . ...
Consulente adlatus. . Benvenuti dove …. La nasc...
N.Biancacci. , . F.Caspers. , . A.Kurtulus. . C.A...
Prototype Construction and Schedule of Series . in...
⇒ phase space density (small emittance) vs. low ...
Authors: . . Luca Müller . Supervision by: . . ...
for . Schools. . Introduction. M. Joos, EP/ESE. 2...
. of . interest. for the CERN-LNF . collaboratio...
H. . Pernegger. . ~2 cm. ~2 . c. m. FE-I4 R/O Chi...
(“. LHC@home. enhancement”). openlab. summer...
Greek . Teachers. Programme . 2017. Konstantinos ...
Soltan. Institute for Nuclear Studies POLAND. Sł...
Jan . 2016. Parent information evening. Airport es...
M. . Citterio. . on behalf of INFN Milano and Uni...
P. . Petagna. :. Micro-channel Cooling. Micro-ch...
. . . Arielle....
Lehrerfortbildung. . Das Standardmodell der Teilc...
29 . February . – 2 March 2016. ". Where student... 20170913. Working hours. ...
4 au 15 juillet ... et future . période . 15 aout...
A CERN . openlab. / Intel collaboration. Niko Neu...
on behalf of the . n_TOF. Collaboration (. http:/...
FCC week Washington. 23. -27 March . 2015. W. . Ri...
. C. ryogenics, . A. ccelerators and . T. argets a...
Frank Zimmermann. HL-LHC/LIU brainstorming . Jiva....
APPEC. Is . the . A. stro. P. article. . P. hysic...
SC. Space charge collaboration meeting . – CERN ...
contribution”. U.Kose, M. Nessi, P. Sala. ICARUS...
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