Luke Nature published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
' plans to 'go out with a bang' in 2016 . October...
Message:. “Hope Incarnate”:. The Dedication o...
Good-Bye. Sunday, March 29, 2015. Wayne Hartsgrov...
The Annunciation. Luke . 1. The Holy Ghost shal...
Year A. Isaiah 7:10-14. Psalm 45 or Psalm 40:5-10...
Luke 4:18. Anoint. Oxford dictionary . 1.Smear . ...
“All we like sheep have gone astray; We have tu...
Model for All Christians. “Blessed . Mother . i...
Abijah. ; his wife Elizabeth was also a descenda...
Luke 24:13-31. No Redemption = No Hope. 13 . Now...
Luke 12:13-21. The scene:. Luke 12:1a . In the m...
I . bring you good news of great . joy. . . It . ...
Who Exalts the Lord”. Luke 1:26-35. In the sixt...
Luke 1:1-13; 18-26. Altar of Incense. Holy Place....
. (NKJV). 16. . Then He said to him, “A cert...
Tuesday, October 4 @ 6:30p. ME 1130. x. apurdue.c...
(and Unexpected) . Friendship. Luke 7:36-50. The ...
Trust in the Lord. Luke 5. Trust in the . Lord....
(and the implications are not good). OK…But wha...
Battle of the Books. Dr. Knox Middle School. The ...
3/5/2017. An attitude of expectancy does not depe...
The Reliability of the New Testament. The reliabi...
- These things are written so that you may believ...
Parable vs. _______. Parable. Parables . teach . ...
Luke 11:1. The Prayers of Jesus. Prayer at His Ba...
The Death Of Christ. The Death Of Christ. Luke 2...
Week 7. Luke 15. Luke 15:1-7. Now the tax collect...
Year A. Malachi 3:1-4 . Psalm 84. or Psalm 24...
Week 2. Arise & Shine. Isaiah 6-:1. Arise, sh...
. Presented by:. Brian Leonard. Creative Directo...
Interior of Cave Four at Qumran. Herod’s Sarcop...
Close of Jesus Ministry. Lesson 3. Luke 10-12:21....
Luke 15:3-7. . Parable of The . Lost . Sheep. L...
Neighbor. Last week’s reminders…. Love people...
Living “ALL IN” . in . a Sin-filled . World. ...
might have . thought. Luke 16:19-31. Contrasts. R...
A Holy Meal. The Practice Of The Early...
Found”. . Luke 15:1-24 . I. Lost . lamb. Lu...
“Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors a...
Year A. Isaiah 25:6-9. Psalm 114. 1 Corinthians ....
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