Lhcb published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
2. nd. AACL Workshop on DAQ@LHC. Chateau de . Bo...
2010. .04.18. 杨振伟. Tsinghua Group on LHCb. 2...
First physics from the LHC. Monica Pepe Altarelli....
with cosmic rays. Xavier Vilasis-Cardona. On beha...
1. Interaction. Point. Muon System. Calorimeters....
. Physics. . with. . LHCb. “. When. Beauty ...
1. LHCb software tutorial - September 2011. Job Op...
an . outlook. Reminder. : . what. . is. VELO ? ....
saclay. . University. . On . behalf. of the. ....
Upgrade . Some introductory notes . Marina . Artus...
2. Introduction. Front-End crates are powered by ...
Upgrade Status. P. Campana, . Muon Upgrade . Mee...
Bookkeeping Tutorial. 2. Bookkeeping . content. C...
th. September. 03:15 Beta* at 1 km. Optics measu...
FPCP Conference. Lake Placid. 1 June 2009. Beat J...
. Grid. WLCG. M. Witek. On behalf of the team of...
7:58 Fill 2483 (264 bunches) dumped by reference ...
telescope. PS beam test. 7. . August 2014. Hell...
Tutorial. Illya . Shapoval. CERN, KIPT, UNIFE, IN...
Bookkeeping & Monitoring Tutorial. 2. Bookkee...
. Golob. University of Ljubljana/. Jožef. Stef...
UPO May 3 2013. Didier . Contardo. , Jeff Spaldi...
(mini) Trigger/Timing Logic Unit. (mini TLU). Int...
g. . at LHCb. A. . Bertolin. on behalf of the L...
. Status. . Flavour. and CP. a. nd. Future wit...
on 19 June 2012. Jose Abelleira, Xavier Buffat, C...
. Grid. WLCG. M. Witek. On behalf of the team of...
TeV. . Forward Particles at the LHC . Michael Al...
in . the. B . system. at . LHCb. . Juan J. . ...
R. De . Maria with G. . . Arduini, D. . . Banfi, ...
Heavy Flavour Physics with the . LHCb. Experimen...
GDB 9. th. May 2012. 1. Ian.Bird@cern.ch. Slides...
Inha University. s, pentaquarks or excited heavy ...
Balazs Voneki. CERN/EP/LHCb Online group. TIPP201...
Vanya BELYAEV. . . 21st May'2k 8 NIKHEF Tutor...
status. Andrea . d’auria. , . bart. . verlaat. ...
with BPTX. Using scope and . LHCb. BPIM . boards ...
board. architecture . overview. ECAL-HCAL font-en...
Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus, CERN. on behalf of W...
K. . Akiba. On behalf of the . Velo. group. RD09 ...
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