Lhc Psb published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
G. Heinrich, J. . Huston. , J. . Maestre. , D. . ...
Contributions . from André. , . Reisaburo. , Pie...
th. July & night. 06:58 Stable beams fill #2...
Jane Nachtman. 1. Our Group. Based at U of Iowa, ...
Superparticles. with Hadronic Decays at the LHC....
On behalf of the ATLAS collaboration. October 2,...
Princeton University. Princeton Plasma Physics La...
LHC: pursuit for the unimaginable Kajari Mazumda...
Darren Forde (SLAC). In collaboration. with C. B...
Demina. , University of Rochester. 04. /1. 1. /20...
Demina. , University of Rochester. 02/08/. 2012. ...
. . . + Outlook to LS1 activities:. . . - Sh...
DATABASE SERVICE. BE-CO Technical Committee, 26 F...
1. Diode . ORbit. and . OScillation. . (. DOROS...
Concept / Development / Status. Patrick Bestmann....
documentation. Amanda, Chris, and I converged to ...
flavor . produced in association with W and Z bos...
TE/MPE TM 20.06.2013. On behalf of MPE/MS softwar...
Safety Aspects. HiRadMat . Technical Board . Meet...
Jim Siegrist. Associate Director. Office of High ...
Phenomenology of Vectorlike Confinement. Can Kıl...
Will we still see SEEs?. M. Calviani (EN/STI) for...
Instructions for the SCT ACR Shifter. Version 0.4...
M. Koratzinos. LEP3 day,. 18 June 2012. As an int...
April Global Run: 7 – 11 April. Last run with ...
Craig Roberts, Physics Division. . Collaborators...
Run . Coordinator. Shift Guide. Updated on . 26.0...
C. onsiderations on expected life and available o...
. Commissioning status. Christos Zamantzas on be...
Mariusz Sapinski, CERN BE/BI. Outlook. High-brigh...
beamscreen. geometry. Deflector gap: 2.5 mm. Def...
- From RHIC to LHC. Andr. é. . Mischke. Utrecht...
th. , 2013. LS1 Committee (LSC)- 25. th. Meetin...
e. +. e. –. Collider in the LHC tunnel to stud...
Lecture 2: The LHC. O. Villalobos Baillie. School...
in . the Higgs sector of the . Georgi-Machacek. ...
Fernando B. S. Pedrosa on behalf of John Pedersen...
Pavel Nadolsky. 2017-03-29. P. . Nadolsky. , . Mo...
Review Committee. :. Giorgio . Apollinari. (FNAL...
. 2012. Introductions. SLAC Science Education Di...
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