Lhc Llr published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Eric . Prebys. (outgoing) LARP Director. LARP His...
Andy Parker. Cavendish Lab. The Cambridge SUSY Wo...
Ricardo . Gonçalo. , LIP. Outline. Discovery of ...
a long-lived . slepton. in the . coannihilation....
Lance Dixon . Academic Training Lectures. CERN. A...
. This questionnaire . is a retrospective method...
Tom Peterson, . SLAC . USPAS. January, 2017. Jan...
Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. HEP...
ANL/FNAL/UC/VWS Meeting. Nov. 28, 2011. Alan Pro...
Alan Fisher. SLAC. LARP CM14. Fermilab. 2010-04-2...
Fermilab. , 14-16 . Nov.2012. The . Higgs Boson D...
Thomas K Hemmick. Stony Brook University. Outline...
Review. 10 Oct 2017. G. Favre . / . A. . Amorim. ...
1. Blackening of the BGC interaction chamber ...
P. . Fessia. N. . Mariani. Presented by P. . Fess...
Twiss. Parameterization (left out yesterday). The...
Part I. by. Verena Kain CERN BE-OP. Acknowledgemen...
1. CERN is preparing a list of potential future hi...
INFN-LNS. Modelli. . Idrodinamici. e . di . Rico...
Reinhard . Schwienhorst. Level-3 Manager and CAM. ...
FCC week 2018 Amsterdam. J. Osborne. , J. Stanyard...
st. , 2015. YETS . 2015-2016. Works EN-EL [ CF exc...
Alexei . Safonov. CMS . Muon. Upgrades. CMS Techn...
Wolfgang Bartmann. CERN. (based on lectures by M.J...
European Cryogenics days 2016. 2. U. Wagner, CERN....
October 13. th. 2015. Year End Technical Stop (YE...
CERN . TE-VSC. , Geneva. 2. V. Baglin ...
o. n behalf . of the . Trigger. /DAQ/Offline/. Com...
Norway. What. . we. . did. Background. . storie...
Round optics (large telescope) with trains. Flat o...
S. Antipov, N. Biancacci, X. . Buffat, B. . Salvan...
Wolfram Fischer. . 28 July 2010. Fermilab Acceler...
Giorgio Ambrosio. Magnets L2. U.S. HL-LHC Accelera...
Elena . Quaranta. Working Group on Advanced Collim...
nd. CERN MAC Cost. & Schedule. Review. Octo...
scheme to mitigate longitudinal instabilities in S...
Introduction. Alberto Di Meglio. CERN: A UNIQUE EN...
FE-Electronics ADC. Tim Andeen . Level-3 Manager...
M. Veltman. NIKHEF. Amsterdam. Cern, 4 dec. 2009. ...
LIU beam parameters at LHC injection . Lower inten...
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