Kev Mev published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Josef . Uher. a,b. , Jan . Jakubek. c. a. CSIRO P...
magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars. Hongjun An...
A novel gamma-ray detector configuration. Roi . Ra...
Amcrys. 005 sample. Belle II. 1. AM005. PRE-irrad...
, V. Horvat. 1. , V.E. Iacob. 1. , H.I. Park. 1. ,...
The resolution at low energies is equivalent to t...
The resolution at low energies is equivalent to t...
Regardless of the superlative used the detector i...
P. Azzarello, E. . Bozzo. , F. . Cadoux. , . Y. F...
polarimeter. concept based on . GRIPS. Albert Y....
at Prague. Vít Vorobel. , . Aivaras. . Zukausk...
Helium Evaporation and Field Ionization. George S...
March 29-30, 2016. Preservation of Magnetized Bea...
Andrey Shirokov. Lomonosov. Moscow . State . Uni...
from keV to . GeV. energies and . beyond. . Eli...
The interplay between experiment and theory. . A....
-. What Fermi Adds to the Picture. Brian R. Dennis...
Dorothea . Pfeiffer. 23. .09.2014. Content. 2. Ins...
2. β. . N. ext . G. eneration . O. bservatory. H...
Pu(. n,f. ) cross-section measurement. at EAR-2....
decays.. The . 24. Mg case. Marina . Barbui. . T...
A.J. . Krasznahorkay. , M. Csatlós, L. Csige, . ...
…with many thanks to:. E. Quaranta. CollUSM. -...
Shun Zhou. IHEP, CAS, Beijing. on . behalf of the...
T. Sato Osaka U./KEK . Motivation. Analysis of me...
Kyoto University. Tetsuya MURAKAMI. HIMAC . Pion....
polarised. . np-scattering experiments at ANKE. ...
Review . and . Response . to . Recommendations. O...
NOrmal. conducting Racetrack Medical Accelerator...
U. Raich, F. Roncarolo, F. Zocca. Current situati...
Accelerator. -based surface diagnostic for plasma...
Many-body correlations in the structure of heavy ...
Part II. Victoria Blackmore. CM32, RAL, . Febuary...
Higher packing density . . higher power densi...
s. tudy of . hadron. . r. esonances and strangen...
Contents. Breakup reactions. of . 14. Be on a pr...
N. eutrino . B. ackground (DSNB). in liquid Argon...
Paradigm change. Mikhail . Bashkanov. University ...
. Hiroshi Noya. Institute of Physics, Hosei Univ...
David . Neuffer. January . 14, 2014. 200 MHz Fro...
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