Kev Mev published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Centaurus. X-3 Over its Binary Orbit”. -. Sach...
Nicholas E. White, NASA/GSFC. On behalf of the At...
ObservationofCasA443 Fig.5Mapsoftemperaturesandion...
Polarimeter. for Solar flares . (. GRIPS. ). Rec...
View of the Galactic Center:. Chuck Hailey, Col...
What do we have? What do we need?. 2012.08.09 . A...
221. Rn using Coulomb excitation at MINIBALL, &am...
EBIT Spectra . of High-Z Ions . Yuri Ralchenko. N...
Scopel. Supersymmetric. Dark Matter. PPC2010, To...
Configuration. Juno Spacecraft. en route to. Jupi...
と. MAXI . で観測されている突発天体...
. Tawm. Los . Ntawm. . Lub. Chaw . Ua. . Ha...
1. & Wim Hermsen. 1,2. 1. SRON Netherlands ....
Mixing And In-beam Study Of . 56. C. o Non-. yra...
Ilias. . Savvidis. Aristotle University of Thess...
The return current neutralizes the current carrie...
Mihael. . Makek. with D. Bosnar, V. Gačić, L. ...
Ferrara. a. nd. INAF-IASF, Bologna. on . behalf o...
The (Second) Plan. Trends in excitation spectra. ...
Emily E. Richards (NRC-NRL). Tracy Clarke (NRL). ...
rich. Fe isotopes. . . from. proton . induced...
Black hole spin from reflection?. Mari Kolehmainen...
Roberto Santorelli. 1. 2. DarkSide. and Materials...
THE EXPERIMENTAL QUEST. Henrique Araújo. Imperial...
g. -ray transition-edge sensors and microwave SQUI...
C. Guerrero (CERN), M. Barbagallo (INFN/Bari), A. ...
infoseminar. Tartu. 15.12.2016. Korraline . evalve...
National Nuclear Data Center. Brookhaven National ...
PG1211143z00809nrn1045ergs11 -1x0/0132465879X8A2ke...
The. . XMM ultra-deep survey in the CDFS. . Andr...
hadrontherapy. beams . Mario Carante. , John Tell...
1. Maureen K. . Petterson. Applied Materials . N.Y...
Robert . Weller,. Robert Reed, Mike King, . Marcu...
with nuclear beta decay. Bertram Blank. CEN Bordea...
The X-ray Universe 2011. The University of Tokyo. ...
isotopes”, IAEA Research Contract no. 17442/2012...
Martin C. Weisskopf. NASA Marshall Space Flight Ce...
. Chowdhury. University of Calcutta . West Bengal,...
…. Nuclear . Astrophysics with exotic nuclei and...
Input boundary conditions for the design. Main cho...
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