Kev Kpc published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
1. & Wim Hermsen. 1,2. 1. SRON Netherlands ....
Mixing And In-beam Study Of . 56. C. o Non-. yra...
Ilias. . Savvidis. Aristotle University of Thess...
The return current neutralizes the current carrie...
. E. -1. 2. ph = 31.29 Z. 1. Z. 2. . m/E. m...
Mihael. . Makek. with D. Bosnar, V. Gačić, L. ...
Ferrara. a. nd. INAF-IASF, Bologna. on . behalf o...
The (Second) Plan. Trends in excitation spectra. ...
rich. Fe isotopes. . . from. proton . induced...
Fabrice . Piquemal. Laboratoire Souterrain de Mod...
Black hole spin from reflection?. Mari Kolehmainen...
William Bertozzi. Wilbur Franklin, Alexei Klimenko...
Roberto Santorelli. 1. 2. DarkSide. and Materials...
THE EXPERIMENTAL QUEST. Henrique Araújo. Imperial...
Joachim Görres. University of Notre Dame & JI...
g. -ray transition-edge sensors and microwave SQUI...
Dino Bazzacco. INFN Padova. Part 1: Review of AGA...
C. Guerrero (CERN), M. Barbagallo (INFN/Bari), A. ...
infoseminar. Tartu. 15.12.2016. Korraline . evalve...
National Nuclear Data Center. Brookhaven National ...
PG1211143z00809nrn1045ergs11 -1x0/0132465879X8A2ke...
The. . XMM ultra-deep survey in the CDFS. . Andr...
hadrontherapy. beams . Mario Carante. , John Tell...
1. Maureen K. . Petterson. Applied Materials . N.Y...
. Gamma-ray Burst Monitor. . (CGBM). Kazu. Yamao...
Robert . Weller,. Robert Reed, Mike King, . Marcu...
with nuclear beta decay. Bertram Blank. CEN Bordea...
The X-ray Universe 2011. The University of Tokyo. ...
isotopes”, IAEA Research Contract no. 17442/2012...
Martin C. Weisskopf. NASA Marshall Space Flight Ce...
. Chowdhury. University of Calcutta . West Bengal,...
…. Nuclear . Astrophysics with exotic nuclei and...
Input boundary conditions for the design. Main cho...
Josef . Uher. a,b. , Jan . Jakubek. c. a. CSIRO P...
an iron evaluation. . Georg Schnabel. Nuclear D...
magnetars and rotation-powered pulsars. Hongjun An...
A novel gamma-ray detector configuration. Roi . Ra...
Amcrys. 005 sample. Belle II. 1. AM005. PRE-irrad...
domains. Ianik Plante. 1. , Eloise . Pariset. 2,3....
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