Journals Scielo published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
The scholarly publishing arena. Barriers to disse...
Silvina. . Montrul. , Co-editor, . Second Langua...
and . Open Data . (with particular reference . to...
Contact us at: OMI...
1: The Bucket List . January 28, 2015. In the mov...
Using . Altmetrics. to Illustrate the Impact of ...
Bibliometrics. I. Who’s citing you? . Angela C...
Vol. 4(10), pp. 486 - 494, December, 2013 DOI : 1...
Contact us at: OMI...
Exercise Prescription. for Special Populations. F...
Top of Page Write: . Favorite Meal Nutrition Fac...
Organization is Key. Be . systematic. Identify ke...
. and a note card.. HAPPY FRIDAY, Dudes! . Instr...
Making your class something other than an electro...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Thera...
and . Presenting. Journals . with. Rosetta. Ma...
$30.00 . per year for students with a discount fo...
Ganesh. . Viswanathan. Department of Chemical En...
Tips to help you succeed. ESRC Research Methods ....
germline. gene editing. Philip Campbell. Editor-...
OA cooperation. May 2015. Who are T&F?. We la...
Perspective of an Editor and Author. Jim . Neaton...
q Availableonlineatwww.sciencedirect.comJournalofH...
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Ganesha Associates . 1. Competências. . Básica...
Amanda . Bielskas. Head of Collection . Developme...
. Dr.Cynita. Christy . Dr.Mangala. . Hirw...
Edward A. Miner, PhD, MLS. University of Iowa Lib...
In a nutshell, information literacy is "the proce...
Why We Do It. Lunchtime Talk #1. Office of Schola...
. PubH. . 8403 Presentation. Manuscript Submiss...
The American Physiological Society. Reviewing for...
What’s what?. What’s the Difference?. Scholar...
REGENT UNIVERSITY The Leader-Follower Relatio...
Medical Apps. Sarah Jewell. Memorial Sloan-Ketter...
Top Ten Favorite Songs. Songwriting Vocabulary. T... This article is p...
Helene Tenzer - ranking journals: personal exper...
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