Jets Disk published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
The View From Telescopes, Computers. and the La...
: data . vs. theory. Joey Huston. Bruce . Mellad...
in Star Forming Region. Tae-. Soo. . Pyo. Subaru...
Circinus. X-1 with Very Long Baseline . Interfer...
flavor . produced in association with W and Z bos...
Tsvi Piran. Racah. Institute of Physics,. The He...
A . Middle-aged Pulsar's New Trick. Q. . Daniel ....
W - enu varsha ramakrishnan Double parto...
brPage 1br JETS eia K Tun K ckkf K chc ch jK xR Ks...
Perturbatively. David A. Kosower. Institut. de P...
Yuri . Lyubarsky. Ben-Gurion University. Beer-....
Squarks. and . Gluinos. in the Jets + MET + 0-L...
W. est Checks Older Jets. They need reapers. Repa...
Plot. . The . story is based, with little v...
Squarks. and . Gluinos. in the Jets + MET + 0-L...
G. Watts (UW/Seattle/Marseille. ). WG3: Exotic Hi...
1. Christopher Rogan. The Path to Discovery. . 2...
Adam Para, . . Nayeli. . Azucena. . Rodríguez...
No leptons, jets, missing ET. . Improvement...
. Sanshiro. Shibata (Konan Univ.). Collaborato...
G. Heinrich, J. . Huston. , J. . Maestre. , D. . ...
Hadronic. Final State Reconstruction in Collider...
Phenomenology of Vectorlike Confinement. Can Kıl...
Tomáš Laštovička, University of Oxford. CLIC0...
Jets. (A Review with a Suggested Paradigm. ). Dav...
Christian Grefe, . Tomáš Laštovička. , Blai P...
Story. West Side Story is an American musical ins...
W resonance in . dijet. mass. Daniel Abercrombie...
in the light of LHC. experiments. Free Meson. 7....
West Side Story. Background. Book was written by ...
…some points for discussion. J. Huston. Michiga...
Millas. 1. . O. . Porth. 2 . , . R. Keppens. 1....
M87. Studying the Cosmos through..... . Observati...
University of Cincinnati. 29 October 2010. Cincin...
. Today’s Topics. . Professionalism. . . . Men...
2. Two simple but important models:. production p...
Calorimeter design at ILC with staging at...
Zvi Citron for ATLAS. 1. בס"ד. 2. ATLAS. ATLAS ...
L. amppost. Yuri . Gershtein. mostly. . based. ....
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