Ion Beam published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
137. Ba. +. Andrea Katz. Trinity University. UW R...
XPs. Document NBI deposition. Extend TAE Avalanch...
For small values of . E. r. PENTA predicts flows...
INTC Meeting 31. st. October 2012. Richard Cathe...
For the NSTX-U Team. NSTX-U Program - FY2015 . Q3...
Ari Virtanen. . NuPECC. mini workshop . 13.6.20...
, CERN PH-IS. ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s r...
SPSC107. Lau Gatignon / EN-MEF. Recommendation ab...
T-Rex. TAMUTrap. SASSYER. Active Target . Det. RT...
Yaroslav. Derbenev. Center for Advanced Study o...
Eric Prebys, FNAL. Background. The IOTA project r...
Geometric factors are used to relate the measured...
, CERN PH-IS. ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s r...
Christopher Zimmer. Brookhaven National Laborato...
Eric Prebys. June . 15, . 2015. F. ermilab. . A....
Experimental plan . Aida . Amroussia,. PhD Stude...
The Status and Road Map. 1. . Haci. . S. og...
NOTE: Last meeting it was clarified that these p...
cyclotron . resonance. charge breeder . - and pro...
”. (ENSAR2). Muhsin N. Harakeh. Coordinator ENSA...
Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics Divisio...
≤ . 0.5. ) . Cyclotrons. Summary of Workshop. Ju...
Hiroyuki Sako (ASRC, JAEA / U. Tsukuba) for J-PARC...
for Carbon ion therapy. Hermann Pommerenke (BE-RF-...
- For Official Use C
2. Accelerators. for . Medicine. Maurizio Vretena...
Targetry. workshop 29.05.2018. ELITA work package...
ongitudinal beam quality/. e. -cloud for higher in... Particle. . therapy. Critical...
Richard Pardo. May 16, 2014. ATLAS USERS MEETING: ...
Tadahisa TAMURA for Beam Testing Team. 2013.5.28. ...
A. Henriques. 1. , B. Jurado. 1. , D. Denis-Petit....
2007-2013. ...
LhARA. 1. arXiv:2006.00493. Challenges and opportu...
0 INTRODUCTION The basic theory of beam buckling w...
Seven simple beam-type specimens were loaded, as s...
study 13-9202:. . Space-based femtosecond las...
. EC potential impact to colliders. Reaching a ...
on Nuclear Astrophysics and Exotic Structure at t...
Shekhar Mishra. 2. . Project-X. (Yousry Gohar. 1...
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