Infrastructure Platform published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Chris Risner. Senior Technical Evangelist. @. chr...
Saral Shodhan. Program Manager. Windows Developer...
Mary Dickerson. Texas . Cybersecurity. , Educatio...
EU:. results . of an ongoing study . on the Impac...
ITIL for IT Pros. Nathan Lasnoski. Microsoft MVP....
Modelling. and. Network Design. Tim Glover. Chris...
Page 1 of 5 Organisation: Urban Infrastructure Co...
Anne Lucas, ECTA/WRRC. Grace Kelley, SERRC. Talet...
2015. PROJECT GOAL. The project goal. . is creat...
1. 1. World Wide Web. The. Founded in 1994 with v...
Ruoming. Jin. Welcome!. Instructor: . Ruoming. ...
Simon Langan. Multiple- Use water Services (MUS)....
Getting Locked-In. Applications are developed wit...
Darren Cann – Estates Officer. Introduction. 2....
On-Premise . and in the Cloud. FDN05. Norm Judah....
Assessment . and. . Prioritisation . Sarsha Pyzi...
Implementing a Shared Canada – U.S. . Vision fo...
A bit of History, . Present day issues . and Chal...
EMC PROPEL CASE STUDY. Tony Pagliarulo. SVP, COO,...
. Marine . Heavy Lift and Long Duration Co-axial...
Bob . Colenutt. and Martin Field, The University...
Kristian. Wares, Datacentre Solution Sales Speci...
GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING These particulars shou...
Mr. Joseph . Ludovici. Deputy Commander Navy. . ...
India. . A Multi-criteria . Approach. Pravin. ....
Christine Hasha. Matt Mereness. April 2015. At th...
Week 2: MapReduce Algorithm Design (2/2). This wo...
Presented at the NCPPP P3 Connect Denver, Colorad...
public. . perspetcive. Siim Meeliste. Department...
1 A three-point contact means that two hands and o...
1 private and public cloud, colocation, and enterp...
Final Presentation. GOALS. Old goal. CHAPEL ATTEN...
(asset management business cases for railways). R...
index. Multicam. . service. Trends. Service. . ...
Dr. Fred Volkmar. Director of the Yale Child Stud...
Steve Degosserie & Georges Legros. http://www...
We are in the midst of a severe epidemic ...
to . the Global Water Crisis. Quiz: . Which . Nee...
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