Humans Evolution published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Gummadi Max Planck Institute for Software Systems...
Over the course of a year data is collected on fa...
S are available at httpwwwcpcncepnoaagovproductspr...
149 1998 D Lazzaro et al eds ORBITAL RESONANCES A...
Evolutionary lifehistory theory seeks to explain ...
Meston David M Buss Received 20 December 2005 Re...
If this hypoth esis is correct then oscillatory b...
Walter Matthew Antone Andrew Correa Randall Davis...
Although the presence or abs ence of any of the i...
Winter Aftab E Patla 8 James S Frank Dcpamc of Ki...
Leit Harrison G Pope Jr 23 and James J Gray Depa...
Wurts he various species of fish found in oceans ...
2 Indian Institute of Technology IIT Bombay India...
1 Ultralite SafePORT Air Cushion System to protec...
One such trait strong reciprocity is a predisposi...
Antimicrobial resistance limits treatment options...
new study of group of asexual rotifers supports t...
Most coliform bacteria do not cause illness but t...
Future entrepreneurs at the Whitman School of Man...
The Hindu science of study of these planets is ca...
Although genomewide association studies GWAS have...
They are found in all the oceans of the world but...
The vessel is designed for worldwide deep water o...
tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis M bovis is anoth...
Despite this attention there is no consensus on v...
Biosci 32 3 April 2007 1 Introduction cellular ne...
All rights reserved Evolution 5811 2004 pp 243824...
This thing we have inherited from our ancestors E...
A ZANI Department of Biology University of Oregon...
roorda jdsu om Abs rac Bro d d of ROADMs b sed w ...
brPage 1br RPSLOH573607LPH573476WULQJ5737357347VWG...
Richerson Department of Biology Dalhousie Univers...
Scott and Glenn Branch National Center for Scienc...
Richersont Zentrum fiir lnterdiszipliniire Forsch...
Unlike direct punishment indirect sanctions can b...
You insist you dont mean to blink but that no mat...
Hall University of Connecticut Shozo Yokoyama Was...
Treutner 1 and Herwig Ostermann University of Hea...
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