Hassanain Position published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Lecture-4- . . Hassanain . Mohammed . Kadhim. ...
. Hassanain. Mohammed . Kadhim. Lecture -1- . M...
Hassanain Mohammed . kadhim. Definition of the w...
Movember. 2. nd. ,2012. Neurology Case of the We...
MARch. 29. th. ,2013. Neurology Case of the Week...
Causes. Cirrhosis. Non-cirrhosis. Symptoms. Asympt...
Mohammed . Kadhim. Lecture . -4- . Objectives:. s...
Khadim. . Jehad. . Dr. Ali . Faris. ...
Mohammed . Kadhim. Lecture . -9- . Objectives:. At...
Kadhim. . Physical Assessment Integumenta...
. Hassanain. Mohammed . Kadhim. Lecture . -8- . O...
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