Google Query published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
through Flip-Flop Replication. Mark . Gordon, Dav...
Systems. 15-440 / 15-640. Fall 2015. Welcome! Cou...
Just google it . How many times have you heard tha...
Multimedia Tasking 2.0. (. MmT. 2.0) for the Jun...
a TASTIER Approach. Guoliang. Li. 1. , . Shengyu...
E-BIZ TECHNOCRATS PVT. LTD.. An ISO 9001-2008 Cer...
John Wohlers. Waubonsee Community College. Techno...
(or not) . of Health Informatics Standards. Steph...
amara Sabih =D. Temples. Temple of . Lares. Made ...
Secondary to tertiary transition. Universities an...
Leisure Activities: . THEATRES. Herculaneum…. h...
. Schütze. and Christina . Lioma. Lecture 9: R...
SEO 101 for Startups. Presented. : June, 2014. Me...
through . Voronoi. diagrams. Paolo . Brivio. , M...
Spreading the Word. Jamie Kleinsorge, MS. Vice Pr...
and. Losses. Kirstin C. . Appelt. 1. David J. . ...
Under Prof. Henning Schulzrinne. Advised by: Jan ...
Mark Taylor. Director, Developer & Platform G...
Úlfar Erlingsson, Google Inc.. Marcus . Peinado....
--Presented By . Sudheer. . Chelluboina. .. Prof...
Minh Tang . Luon. (Stanford University). Iiya. ...
By: Henry Zaremba. Origins of Translator Technolo...
Shared Task Proposal, FIRE 2012. Monojit Choudhur...
Relational Algebra (Using SQL DML Syntax):. Data ...
Jianfeng Gao, MSR. (Joint work with . Jian. Huan...
Search in SharePoint 2013 . Morgan Larsson ...
in a Google World. Keith Schroeder. Library Media...
For the “Reluctant” DBA. Don Jones. Senior Pa...
School of Computing. National University of Singa...
Directions to ball park coming into Greenville fro...
Presented by: Group 7. Advanced Algorithm. Nation...
: Ranking Tweets by Exploiting the Tweet/User/Web...
By. Wesley.W.Chu and Shaorong Liu. Aditya Chintal...
Chapter 6. So far…. The computational process w...
Silviu. . Cucerzan. and Eric Brill. July, 2004....
. Schütze. and Christina . Lioma. Lecture 2: T...
By: Patty Kittrell. How are fossils formed?. Unal...
Data Cleaning & Uncertain Data Management. Sp...
Data Uncertainty: . Modeling and Querying. Mohame...
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