Gluons published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Q. C. D. Lance Dixon . 40. th. SLAC Summer Insti...
in the . Multi-. Regge. Regime. Volker . Schome...
Asymmetry at ATLAS. . The search for new physi...
Quarks attract one another with a force that actua...
spin-1bosonsmediatorsofinteractions:gluons,W+;W ;Z...
Will Witt. Introduction . –. Heavy Ion Physics...
Travis Salzillo. 1,2. , Rainer Fries. 1. , Guangy...
Travis Salzillo. 1,2. , Rainer Fries. 1. , Guangy...
Peter Jacobs. Lawrence Berkeley National Laborato...
Marzia . Nardi. INFN Torino (Italy). nardi@to.inf...
ultrarelativistic. heavy-ion collisions. . O. bs...
Hsiang-nan Li. Oct. 21, 2012. 1. Outlines . Jet in...
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