Github Plugin published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Learning & Development. http://academy.teleri...
: A Web-Based Sequence Annotation Editor for Comm...
to . Rust Programming Language. Haozhong. . Zhan...
Jason Casden. North Carolina State University Lib...
Behind The Scenes. Karsten Januszewski. Who Am I?...
PRESENTER: . Brad Leupen . |. CTO, Entrinsik ...
Mark . Russinovich. Technical Fellow. Windows Azu...
Additional instructions on installing and configur...
Ahmed ElSayed (@. ahmelsayed. ). SDE – Azure We...
for distributed data integration work. Brian Mape...
pvmanager. and CSS. Gabriele . Carcassi. 1/22/20...
An . imagej. . plugin. with cell tracking capa...
Windows Azure Websites. Justin Beckwith. Program ...
into Cordova. Agenda. Who Am I?. What is Cordova?...
Mike . Schilli. YAPC::NA 06/14/2012. What’s Pog...
assignees in the . Github. Joicy Xavier, Autran M...
B. von Haller. 9. June 2015. CERN . Overview. Sco...
Dave Beck. http://. faculty.washingt...
#. openashdb. @. danmaclean. . - bioinformatics....
Visitors and Residents:. A Mapping Exercise. Lynn...
How do you share code?. Discussion. How we share ...
with . git. Version Control. Version control . is...
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. William H. Allen. Milestone ...
By Rohit Ghatol. What?. W...
With the Particular Platform. NServiceBus. Dave R...
R-Powered Web Applications with Shiny. Jeff Allen...
SonarQube. Improve your Java(Script) even furthe...
Ali . Al-. Shemery. arabnix. [at] . gmail. All m...
Introduction. Git is a distributed revision contr...
DwC. -A) validation: A New Collaborative Effort. ...
plugin. is the best option when you need to tran...
Structures in . Open Source Software Development ...
Code4Lib 2014, Raleigh, NC. March 26, 2014. Visua...
July 29 , 2016 ( Revision 7 ) Copyright
Harris . Niavis. , . University of Thessaly, Gree...
. An Inexpensive and Portable SDR using a USB S...
- David Foster Wallace, Everything and More. Volt...
Fabio . Montella. October 2011. What does my repo...
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