Gev Higgs published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
geant4-09-05-ref-03. Part I: Be, C, Al. HARP exp...
a. t Jefferson Lab. . R. D. . McKeown. Jefferson...
3 . TeV. Many new agreements for X-band developmen...
CLAS Collaboration Meeting. Jefferson Lab. June 14...
Hidden Markov Models. Hidden Markov Models for Tim...
Yue Hao, C-AD. For the eRHIC Team. eRHIC, linac-r...
charmonium. production. in p-A collisions at the...
Charm. in . Heavy. Ion Collisions @ SPS. J/. Y....
W.Baldini. for the Ferrara and . Padova. ....
26 August 2010. Intro & Selections. Reference...
Squarks. and . Gluinos. in the Jets + MET + 0-L...
Satoshi Nakamura. Osaka University, Japan. Colla...
WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3. 1. μ̃, ẽ and ....
J. Brunner. 17/04/2013. APC. Outline. Oscillation...
Nucleon vs. . Pion. Form Factors. Earlier, focus...
Electroproductions. : Status and Plans. Hiroyuki ...
GeV. Photon Delay. Kunihito. . Ioka. (KEK). Co...
polarised. . np-scattering experiments at ANKE. ...
[How simple can it be?]. . Two decays:. . i....
Mei . Bai. Collider Accelerator Dept. . Brookhave...
-Yan. 1. 2. Anna’s calculations for correlation...
By. Mehar Ali Shah. PhD Student. National Centre ...
at . Brookhaven . National Laboratory . 1. Vl. ad...
Squarks. and . Gluinos. in the Jets + MET + 0-L...
s. tudy of . hadron. . r. esonances and strangen...
“Vector-Meson Production by Polarized Photons a...
Status and Hungarian activities. M. Csanád for P...
Friday 22/7 2011. O.Berrig. Thanks to . G.Arduini...
charmonium. production:. results from the NA60 e...
No leptons, jets, missing ET. . Improvement...
Alberto . Ribon. Witek Pokorski. 25.04.2013. Moti...
(♯). K. Oleg . Eyser. 29. th. Workshop on. Nuc...
the present status and future. T.Takahashi. KEK/J...
Physics. Report from the Town Meeting October 25...
. LCWS . 2014, Belgrade, October 6. th. -10. th....
RAP. id. . T. elescopes for . O. ptical . R. esp...
CLAS and CLAS11. Paul Stoler-RPI. Measure . elect...
Elementary cross section. 2015/7/9. Toshiyuki Gog...
decay and . interconversion. Particle processes a...
Germán Rodrigo. Workshop on Heavy Particles at t...
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