Gev Cherenkov published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
within the field . of Fermi unassociated gamma-ra...
C.W. James, . ECAP, University of Erlangen,. on b...
Texas A&M University. o. n behalf of the GEM ...
1. University of California, Los Angeles. Departm...
rate. s . of . Strange. and Charmed baryons . at...
Doubly Charged Higgs Analysis. in 3 leptons final...
schemes. plus comments on BCMS and 8b+4e. S. Gila...
of . charmed baryons . Aug 7-9, 2014. JPARC works...
di-lepton . and. . di-photon . resonances at ATL...
Orlando Villalobos Baillie. University of Birming...
It was apparently much flatter in the past:. Infl...
Melissa Jerkins. University of Texas at . Austin....
ggF. ->Higgs(+jets). J. Huston, S. Ellis, B. ....
Alan Bross. N u F a c t 0 9. From . SuperBeams. ...
David . Neuffer. January . 14, 2014. 200 MHz Fro...
. Aungshuman. . Zaman. Department of Physics an...
EC . beamtest. Zhiwen. Zhao (. UVa. ). Xiaochao...
Andy Butterworth, Erk Jensen. Thanks to E. Ciapa...
EoS. for. Compressed Baryonic Matter. ATHIC 14/1...
J. Duris. 1. , L. Ho. 1. , R. Li. 1. , P. Musumec...
at J-PARC. K. Ozawa. . (KEK. ). Contents:. . Ph...
n. Physics at . J-PARC. Kiyoshi Tanida. . (Japa...
K. Ozawa (KEK). Contents:. J-PARC & Hadron Fa...
Coupled-Channels . A. pproach . to . Meson . P. r...
!A CTS is a compact spacelike two-surface in space...
. *=11m. Hubert Niewiadomski. CERN / PennState...
at LNS, Tohoku. Masashi Kaneta. f. or the NKS/NKS...
Princeton University. Princeton Plasma Physics La...
Dan Hooper . - . Fermilab. /University of Chicago...
(for the STAR Collaboration) . . Heavy and Exoti...
ASTROPHYSICAL SCENARIOS. Félix Mirabel. *. Neutr...
2015. comparisons to ATLAS. F. Ould-Saada et al.,...
,where 2kdppep2 2 aretheperturba...
The main goal of the HFT engineering run will be ...
LHC . hadron. beams: . E. p. =7 . TeV. E. A. ...
of cosmic rays in space. Roberta Sparvoli. Rome ....
Correction & Dynamic Aperture in . MEIC Ion ....
Aharonov. -Bohm, and . Color . Entanglement in Qu...
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