Gev Beam published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
H. . . Bartosik. , G. . Iadarola. , K. Li, L. . M...
. Alain . Magnon. CEA-IRFU/. SPhN. &...
He Zhang. MEIC Collaboration Meeting, 10/06/2015....
fcc-ee. group 1-CASE STUDY A. H. elen . Barminov...
EIC Collaboration Meeting. BNL, Oct. . 10-12, 201...
Electron cloud and single . beam collective effect...
Ewa Skup. January 29, 2015. Outline. Beams availab...
Thanks to E. Ciapala, R. Calaga, E. Montesinos, O...
F.Roncarolo. , . E.Bravin. , . S.Burger. , . A.Gol...
Shogo Sakanaka. for the ERL development team. Pres...
Takao . Sakaguchi. Brookhaven National Laboratory....
Polarization. and . Energy. Calibration. Jowett....
. agitating. . that a Revolution in the field of ...
The . Frontiers. of PP; . what. to do . next. ?....
Damage. at Slow . Extraction. E.Mustafin. , GSI D...
Edda Gschwendtner, CERN. w. ith input from A. Cald...
Hadron. Collider. Jos. . Engelen. CERN. Physics ...
of. . J-PARC. K. Ozawa (KEK). Contents. Status of...
tunnel. Figure. . exctacted. . from. 3D live . ...
at Jefferson . Lab. APEX (Hall A). HPS (Hall B). D...
charmonium. production. in p-A collisions at the...
Charm. in . Heavy. Ion Collisions @ SPS. J/. Y....
Monoranjan. . Guchait. TIFR, Mumbai. EWSB ...
Higgs . Dark . M. atter . & . Its Collider . ...
Higgs Dark Matter and Its Implications at the LHC...
26 August 2010. Intro & Selections. Reference...
Squarks. and . Gluinos. in the Jets + MET + 0-L...
Satoshi Nakamura. Osaka University, Japan. Colla...
WG6, J-J.Blaising, LAPP/IN2P3. 1. μ̃, ẽ and ....
Nucleon vs. . Pion. Form Factors. Earlier, focus...
Electroproductions. : Status and Plans. Hiroyuki ...
GeV. Photon Delay. Kunihito. . Ioka. (KEK). Co...
[How simple can it be?]. . Two decays:. . i....
with ATLAS and CMS. at 7 . TeV. . Prerequisites...
Mei . Bai. Collider Accelerator Dept. . Brookhave...
-Yan. 1. 2. Anna’s calculations for correlation...
By. Mehar Ali Shah. PhD Student. National Centre ...
M. Veltman. NIKHEF. Amsterdam. Cern, 4 dec. 2009....
Squarks. and . Gluinos. in the Jets + MET + 0-L...
s. tudy of . hadron. . r. esonances and strangen...
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