Ffag Gev published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Peter Ingrassia. RHIC Retreat. 29 July 2016.. This...
Other Test Beams. Carsten Hast. SLAC National Acce...
ECE at SPS and LHC. Hofle. CERN BE-RF-FB. o. n beh...
დრეკადი . გაბნევის ....
nu. STORM. physics . with a μ storage . ring. Gre...
Simulation overview and . resource needs. Jin Huan...
Polarization. and . Energy. Calibration. Jowett....
and LHC. :. la . grande. . sfida. . della. . Nu...
. agitating. . that a Revolution in the field of ...
Operation . at . the. European . XFEL. .. An . ov...
R. are . E. ta . D. ecays with a. T. PC. . for . ...
In . Principle. and in . Practice. Karlheinz Meie...
Hadron. Collider. Aleandro Nisati (INFN). CHIPP. ...
. Electron & Positron Observation . Evolution...
Mei Bai. GSI . Helmholtzzentrum. . für. . Schwe...
in the CNGS beam. Gabriele Sirri. Istituto Naziona...
will we ever know?. Ray Volkas. School of Physics....
Mauro Pivi, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. ...
TB2020 . – . SRS noise . analysis. Veta. . Ghen...
David . Neuffer. September 2013. 1. Outline. Front...
at the . LHC for Photon Initiated Processes. (. in...
6-12, p. 232 FRENCH) Un antiprot
W - enu varsha ramakrishnan Double parto...
Z( mumu ) & Z( mumug ) Prof. Goshaw Duke Universi...
Jonathan Asaadi Adam AurisanoDaniel GoldinTobackTe...
Bennett Magy. 1. Top . Partner . Search. T. Wb....
Spin Asymmetries and TMDs. Jian. -ping . Chen , Je...
-like . states. Alex . Bondar. BINP, . Novosibirsk...
LHC. FCC-. ee. FCC-. hh. HL-LHC Plans. Prospects ....
Michele Faucci Giannelli. On behalf of the ATLAS c...
September 15-19, 2015. University of Warwick. Dark...
1. Physics. at FCC-. ee. Mutatis mutandis, CEPC ....
G. amma . R. ays from the Large-scale Disk of the ...
The . Frontiers. of PP; . what. to do . next. ?....
at . HERA. Luca . Stanco, . INFN-Padova. (. on beh...
states. Alex . Bondar. BINP, . Novosibirsk. Belle ...
1. 1. IRN . Terascale. IPPP Durham (UK) . Septemb...
. Higgs boson production in association with top q...
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