Ducts published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Why it is important to properlydesign and install ...
Volume : 2 | Issue : 4 | April 2013 • ISSN No 22...
biliary tree in the body. Gallstone Disease: ...
ISSN: 0975 - 8585 July – August 201 7 RJPBCS 8( ...
biliary tree in the body. Primary Sclerosing Chol...
2016, 4(1):2029-33. ISSN 2321-4287 2029 Origin...
Abdominal examination revealed abdominal distensio...
rimary sclerosing cholangitis is an uncommon disea...
Anatomy of . biliary. system. Cholangiography. i...
. majeed. Assistant professor/General surgery. Con...
Medical. . College. Ministry of . higher. . Educ...
PRESENTED BY : . Hawa-A-Elbarghthi. Marwa-A- . Elf...
PROF . Dr. ban . hadi. / F.I.B.O.G. 2022. Musta...
. S. uud. LEC.1. Learning objectives:. Discuss be...
Lec. .3 . Dr. . . Shaimaa....
. . . BREAST . ANATOMY. The breast is a mass of ...
Anatomy lab \ Abdomen 2. Presented by . Msc. . . R...
Excretory and Reproductive systems are closely ass...
Salivary glands are two groups:. 1- The major sali...
It’s best to view this in . Slide Show . mode, e...
Biliary. System. Dr. Jamila. At the end of the le...
Vohra. Pancreas . & . Biliary. System. At the...
4. th. and 5. th. declension. repetition. The . ...
(LC)- related bile duct injuries.. Emad. . Hamdy....
At the end of the lecture, the student should be a...
Pancreas is a . mixed. . gland:. Exocrine part . ...
Rashidy. Lecturer of General and Pediatric Surgery...
Dec 2019. Liver cirrhosis. Objectives: . Define Ci...
and Breast Discharge. Valerie Robinson, D.O.. Brea...
November 2016. Massimo . Benettoni. ,. on behalf ...
Msc. . Dr. . Reham. . Saad. . Kadhum. . Vas Def...
By,. Rasha Mohamed . Elshinety. Ass. Prof. of Anat...
Fasciolidae. : . Fasciola hepatica. , . Fasciola g...
Oral Cavity (Mouth). The mouth extends from the li...
Dr.Thura Abbas Fadhel. M.B.Ch.B F.I.C.MS Path . ...
Tissues – Introduction. a group of similar cells...
-Lecture 1. Development of Female Genital System. ...
Dr.M.Deivanayaki. The alimentary tract of the dige...
Khairat. . Battah,. . MD. Lecturer/. . consulta...
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