Drr People published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Cultural Knowledge in DRR . = Successful Programs...
To create a DRR logon to SPIN 2 wwwspingovabca c...
Working together in weather, climate and water. E...
Presentation by: . Dr. Anna Paolini. Director, UN...
Director of Emergency and Rehabilitation Division...
countries. Examples . of . and ideas for synerget...
Integrating. . Mental Well-being . &. Disab...
Imra Hodzic, UNMGCY DRR. UNISDR Youth Engagement ...
Tiberiu. ANTOFIE & Kristian MILENOV. 10. th....
Sanne . Boswijk. Disaster Law Coordinator for MEN...
Disaster Law Programme. Tessa Kelly. Senior Disas...
On Feb 17, 2013. Government of Nepal. Ministry of ...
DRR / HFA activities & HFA 2. = 1. st. Arab C...
Doug Smith. Technical manager | market operations....
Doug Smith. Technical manager | market operations....
Fatma. El . Mallah. Member of the Advisory Group ...
Fadi . hamdan. SYNOPSIS. Objectives. Methodology. ...
in NE region of India . Presented By:. HEMAJIT PHU...
19 -20 August 2009. Contributions of the UN Countr...
Sr. No. Issue Size DRR Auditor's Certificate 1 Air...
Alex Thompson. Club Management & Governance M...
th. – 16. th. , January, 2015. Venue: Ito Hall...
Microinsurance. . Products. Lesson Learned from ...
investment. A case of a small town in . Location....
: Wednesday . 22 May 2013. disaster risk reductio...
. Kawai. Soka. . Gakkai. International. Kenich...
CON ATALTTEATbelie Drr'sdebicard 11cal me ce...
Emma Lovell, Research Officer. e.lovell@odi.org.u...
Zubair Murshed . Context . Hyogo Framework of Act...
Zubair Murshed . Context . Hyogo Framework of Act...
disaster risk reduction in arab cities – . a ta...
disaster risk reduction: government to governance...
Emma Lovell, Research Officer. e.lovell@odi.org.u...
Paths Forward. Natural Hazard Mitigation Associati...
London . 11–13 . November, . 2009. . Safer Scho...
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