Des Invention published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Peter Wood traces the birth and evolution of diver...
... groundbreaking... clear, straightforward, and ...
The intriguing story of how wireless was invented ...
A fascinating, if disturbing, window onto the orig...
A decade after the Human Genome Project proved tha...
A decade after the Human Genome Project proved tha...
Peter Watson\'s hugely ambitious and stimulating h...
The untold story of how Japan became a cultural su...
On the eve of the centennial of the Wright brother...
Hughes offers a history of the American genius for...
It all starts with a rolling suitcase. Though the ...
The Paper Trail is the two-millennia-long history ... ...
Lewis Henry Morgan of Rochester, New York, lawyer ...
Without the invention of radar, Europe--and possib...
It is one of the ironies of history that t...
Technology rules us as much as laws do. It shapes ...
To create is human. Technology pioneer Kevin Ashto...
Led by Erasmus Darwin, the Lunar Society of Birmin...
On the eve of the centennial of the Wright brother...
An essential portrait of an American giant whose i...
Hughes offers a history of the American genius for...
It all starts with a rolling suitcase. Though the ...
The Paper Trail is the two-millennia-long history ...
Without the invention of radar, Europe--and possib...
It is one of the ironies of history that t...
To create is human. Technology pioneer Kevin Ashto...
Led by Erasmus Darwin, the Lunar Society of Birmin...
On the eve of the centennial of the Wright brother...
An essential portrait of an American giant whose i...
The word \'park\' conjures a kaleidoscope of bucol...
The Benefits of Reading Books
This book introduces a computationally feasible co...
The towel, it\'s a simple object that we use every...
Inventor. Impact. Oil Drill. Edwin Drake. Made pro...
Nicolo Davidson. * Forbes, 2014. Baby Patting Mach...
Musicologist credit Charlie (Charley) Patton as th...
Diosdado . Banato. Diosdado P. Banatao. (born Ma...
. participle. . The. . mothers. of . invention....
'Homo . Economicus. ’. Friedrich Hayek 1899. -19...
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