Daq Lhc published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Bohdan . Grządkowski. Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wy...
Monoranjan. . Guchait. TIFR, Mumbai. EWSB ...
B-L Extension of the SM. 1. Shaaban. Khalil. Cen...
Higgs Dark Matter and Its Implications at the LHC...
th. . July & night. 07:36 Dump after . high ...
th. September. 03:15 Beta* at 1 km. Optics measu...
a long-lived . slepton. in the . coannihilation....
Plans. Timeline. Priorities. ATLAS. CMS. ...
Luisella LARI. In collaboration with FLUKA & ...
Asymmetry at ATLAS. . The search for new physi...
Chatterjee. Variable Energy Cyclotron . Centre, K...
Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertica...
Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin. Tufts University. Works...
LSWG day, Sept. 2, 2014, B. Auchmann for the BLMT...
with ATLAS and CMS. at 7 . TeV. . Prerequisites...
W. . Hofle. LIU-SPS HBW damper review. LIU SPS Co...
L. Lari . IFIC (CSIC-UV) & CERN. R. Bruce, S....
Stable beams . fill 3351. Initial luminosity. Atl...
M. Veltman. NIKHEF. Amsterdam. Cern, 4 dec. 2009....
Work and Safety Organisation in the LHC During Sh...
A . major new European . particle physics project...
G. Watts (UW/Seattle/Marseille. ). WG3: Exotic Hi...
Eric . Prebys. , . Fermilab. Director, LARP. Nove...
TCTP ferrite supports. Collimation . Working Grou...
Ray Veness. Contents. 2. Introduction. Status and...
1. The LHC Voyage . Of. Discovery . Dan Green. F...
IR optics. José L. Abelleira, PhD candidate EPFL...
LHC: pursuit for the unimaginable Kajari Mazumda...
Giovanni Petrucciani (UCSD). Outline. A quick rec...
Electron-Positron . Pair Production . Accompanied...
schemes. plus comments on BCMS and 8b+4e. S. Gila...
Fabrizio. . Cei. INFN. . and. University . of....
di-lepton . and. . di-photon . resonances at ATL...
PDF4LHC combinations. . Jun Gao, Joey Huston, . ...
Sun Kun OH (. Konkuk. University). 16 November 2...
Orlando Villalobos Baillie. University of Birming...
Diletpon. Signatures of Vector-like Quarks. Chua...
XXIV . International Symposium on Nuclear Electro...
dipole . magnets . in the . LHC. By Gerard Willer...
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