Coronary Left published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Rajesh . Tota-Maharaj. , Michael J . Blaha. , . Ro...
It is sometimes called Prin zmetal angina and usu...
A Disease of Affluence . Lesson Objectives. I und...
د. حسين محمد جمعة . اختصا...
Ray P. . Aswat. , M.D.. Adult Cardiology Fellow. ...
Giuseppe . Biondi-Zoccai. , MD. Sapienza Universi...
bypass grafting in treatment of unprotected left ...
A . semiquantitative. visual score that will hel...
September 29. th. 2014. Goals and Objectives. Re...
Coronary Heart Disease. Affects 16 million people...
Coronary Artery Disease & Acute Coronary Syn...
Presented by: Name goes here. CORONARY ARTERY DIS...
Most common form of heart disease. Can develop to...
B . hussam. PhD Clinical pharmacy. Coronary hear...
Tanveer Rab, MD, FACC. Perwaiz M. Meraj, MD, FACC...
Dr. A- . Rai. Associated professor of Interventio...
. JOSEPH SHEMESH MD. The Grace . Ballas. Cardia...
1 Right Coronary ArteryAortaLeft Coronary ArteryCi...
Cardiovascular disease heart disease coronary hear...
worldwide with age being the . most important . no...
Coronary Artery Disease. . Includes stable angina...
Si-Mohamed SA and . Boccalini. S et al. Publishe...
John Puskas, MD. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount...
SUBMITTED BY . Miss . A. Auxilia. II. nd. Year M....
vs.. . c. oronary artery bypass for multi-vessel ...
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is caused by a narrow...
in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease on Hemodi...
Definition. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a te...
Laboratory of Morphometry and Cardiovascular Morph...
9 th CathLab Course, Nice 2015 FFR and CABG Emanue...
Nathan D. Wong, PhD, Anthony Vo, BS, David Abr...
Nathan D. Wong, PhD,a Dan Kouwabunpat,b Anthony N....
Positive Gensini Score ABSTRACT This study aims ...
Cardiovascular disease, heart disease, coronary he...
Zach Eddy, Category Advisor. 2. What are drug-elut...
Dr. . . Zaki. . Bettamer. Feb...
Prof. Dr. . Kurt Huber. , MD. Sigmund Freud Univer...
Lyndon C. Box, MD FSCAI. West Valley Cardiology, C...
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